Take Action Q&A

Take Action Q&A

Q#17: Ben Krueger: How can I get my audience to interact with me?

July 15, 2014

How do you convert an audience into an interactive community? Any Internet Marketer should know that traffic is useless until there is interaction and value added from both parties. And so, how do you exactly make your website into an effective lead panel?

We have Ben Kreuger on the show; he is the owner of the Authority Engine and the creator of Small Business Podcasting HQ.

Ben will discuss two important tips on how to properly make use of your influence online:

1. How to get your audience to have an active instead of a passive relationship with you.
2. How to take the next step in order to create valuable products for your audience.

From these two tips, Ben will dig deeper and teach you how to get engagement from your listener so they do not just listen to you but become part of your community. He will further give some great advice on how to share a portion of your personal life to your audience in order to build a stronger relationship. Ben will also discuss some tips to encourage better audience interaction. And he will teach us why it is important to think of yourself as a business owner and how you will be able to justify such a title. All this and more in this amazing episode of Take Action Q&A!


