Spitvalve Productions

Spitvalve Productions

Latest Episodes

The Spitvalve Podcast LV - The Monkey Hunter We Deserve
April 26, 2014

Hey guys, Damon here. This is my first time writing the news post, and, before Wharff gets to the episode, I would like to take a moment to address something that's been preying on my mind of late. Doubtless you've been affected by this. It is the sudden

The Spitvalve Podcast LIV - Here’s My Number, Tattoo My Body
April 18, 2014

Everybody, Meg's here! Wharff crosses personal boundaries without knowing people (like always), Damon knows way too much for his own good (like always), and Meg is a fantastic guest (like always...that's the subtle way of saying we'll have you back Meg).

The Spitvalve Podcast LIII - Double Spit Take
April 11, 2014

Join us, one and all, for another exciting Leopold Rising reunion! The writer, James, graces us with his presence and sultry tones. Seriously, this guy should be a jazz lounge singer in the 1950s. Anyways, right out of the gate we talk about which M&Ms ar

The Spitvalve Podcast LII.5 - Dat Asgard
April 03, 2014

And the moment you've all been waiting for, the glorious second part and conclusion to our wonderful one year celebration! You guys, we know you loved the first part, and this just keeps the hits rolling. Look forward to hearing Best Friend Cameron and Sp

The Spitvalve Podcast LII - Hebrewversary
March 28, 2014

Holy flying crap you guys, it's finally here. ONE FULL YEAR OF EPISODES!!! Now, those 52 weeks might not have been consecutive, but really, who was counting? Well, besides you Damon. Anyways, we rounded up some seasoned veteran guests, and had them chose

The Spitvalve Podcast LI - Tweet Us Your Thesis
March 21, 2014

In this episodes we return to our roots. And by that I mean it's just Damon and Wharff sitting in a room and talking about crap. No artificial enhancements, no doping, just raw, delicious BS. It also bears mentioning that following the podcast we listened

The Spitvalve Podcast L - Party All Night in the KSC
March 17, 2014

50 episodes guys! How crazy is that? Also, how weird does the Roman Numeral for 50 look in the episode title? It's driving me a little crazy, it looks like my sausage fingers struck the "L" key on their way to the hyphen somehow. Anyways, it's been a wild

The Spitvalve Podcast XLIX - Just Clowns
March 06, 2014

In this episode, we have super awesome guest star Nick Gibson! Pay special attention to how sexily bassy his voice is. But, we must speak of darker things. As you'll learn in this episode, Wharff is watching back through the Star Wars Prequels with his gi

The Spitvalve Podcast XLVIII - Super Weakness
February 28, 2014

You guys, here is yet another historic episode of The Spitvalve Podcast. First, Liz is back! It's always so refreshing to have people return to guest on the show! Second, this is the longest episode - ever! We hope you enjoy the extra few minutes of us. L

The Spitvalve Podcast XLVII - Get That Bread
February 21, 2014

Hey everyone, Brennon is back! It's a very happy reunion, which you can tell from the amount of Wharff's laughter. If you think the normal cast can get off topic easy, just you wait for this glorious reunion. You might start thinking that Star Wars was a