Spitvalve Productions

Spitvalve Productions

The Spitvalve Podcast LV - The Monkey Hunter We Deserve

April 26, 2014

Hey guys, Damon here. This is my first time writing the news post, and, before Wharff gets to the episode, I would like to take a moment to address something that’s been preying on my mind of late. Doubtless you’ve been affected by this. It is the sudden media fascination with the “selfie.”

I have a problem, because this is not new. This “phenomenom” has been something that has been casually happening since the advent of digital cameras made us stop worrying about how many exposures we’re using. Anybody who had a MySpace profile (or who had even heard of MySpace, frankly) has already lived through a decade of self portraiture. It’s not novel. It’s certainly not news. And I should not have had to spend last Sunday listening to my brother-in-law chuckling and trying to cram “selfie” into every joking suggestion he made.

Glad we could have this talk.

As for the episode, Brennon returns, as pro-ska and anti-Shyamalan as he’s ever been. We talk about some good things this time folks. So much, we roll 2 topics and don’t even announce what the topics will be for 10+ minutes of rambling. We talk about the importance of Cthulu in the upbringing of the younger generations, and what names to call them when they don’t agree. Pay special attention to the last third, as we have an unprecedented (not true) technical complication, and lose a good 15 minutes of rant. Never you fear, we pick right back up and keep playing. Because, gosh darn it, we’re Americans.

Topics Were:

What Will You Die Of?

Childhood Insults

Lightning Round!

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