Spitvalve Productions

Spitvalve Productions

The Spitvalve Podcast XLVII - Get That Bread

February 21, 2014

Hey everyone, Brennon is back! It’s a very happy reunion, which you can tell from the amount of Wharff’s laughter. If you think the normal cast can get off topic easy, just you wait for this glorious reunion. You might start thinking that Star Wars was a topic, but it sure wasn’t.

Topics Were:

Fashion History

Favorite/Least Favorite Foreign Foods

Let’s Play a Game!

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or E-mail us at spitvalvepodcast@gmail.com

Listen, usually I try hard not to post our random link as something related to show content, but serious, I need to give Belated Media some mad props for creating such an awesome potential Star Wars prequel world: Click Here for What if Episode I Was Good? and Here for What if Episode II Was Good?