Spitvalve Productions

Spitvalve Productions

The Spitvalve Podcast LII.5 - Dat Asgard

April 03, 2014

And the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the glorious second part and conclusion to our wonderful one year celebration! You guys, we know you loved the first part, and this just keeps the hits rolling. Look forward to hearing Best Friend Cameron and Special Guest Nick’s voices for what seems like the first time. Also, Cousin Caleb seems to have an uncanny ability to milk real laughter out of Damon, which is a treat. Katie is adorable, as always, and tries to get out of commenting, like always. Seriously you guys, this is gold.

Topics Were:

Damon – Let’s Play a Game (Love, Like, Hate, Hate-Like)

Best Friend Cameron – Best/Worst Foreign Foods

Cousin Caleb – Car of the Future

Special Guest Nick – Sci-Fi Tech You Want

Click Here to enjoy the hilarity that ensues when Google tries to guess what you want, what you really, really want.