Surrounded by Idiots Radio Podcast

Latest Episodes
Improving Your Fashion Sense and Online Image
Improving your fashion sense is key in creating your most authentic online image. This week Tony welcomes Patrick Kenger, a professional style and image consultant. Link to the youtube video: https:/
The Key to Better Relationships is All About Expectations
Do your relationships start to get tough because one of you now expects more from the other person than they did before?
Worst Dating Advice Ever
This week Lexi and I share the worst First Date Advice we have ever received or heard some expert say. Dating is hard enough without having a bunch of people in your ear advising how to act, what to
Mad Skills for Mastering Relationships
This weeks podcast episode exposes the secret ingredient needed to master your relationships, regardless if you are: In a good relationship In a bad relationship Starting a new relationship Just got
Single at 40 and Lonely?
And in this week's show I share the one quick fix that will shift your mindset from lonely to an unstoppable, confident force of nature.
In Your 30’s and Single … Is There Hope?
Yes! But only if you make the right changes to your mindset and enjoy the game of Uno.
Top 10 Regrets in Life By Those About To Die
This week’s show talks about the top 10 regrets in life by those about to die and by those that are still alive and working towards a NO RAGRETS life (not even one letter). According to a fantastic bo
Should I Quit My Job and Follow My Dream?
The thought of quitting your job to follow your dream has never been more popular. The latest research shows over 40% of working people are looking to quit and find a job that is more fulfilling. Ques
You Are Definitely A 10/10 on the Attraction Scale … Here’s How I Know
You’re Definitely a 10/10 on the Attraction Scale. It all comes down to having a little perspective and seeing the big picture.
10 Minutes to a More Confident Post Covid Lifestyle
Let’s face it, in these post Covid days, life IS different so we need to make some new lifestyle choices. Regardless if your life turned upside down over the last couple of years, or it seems not much has changed,