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Welcome to Abounding Joy!

Latest Episodes

Acts 23-26 (part 1) Paul in Caesarea (Podcast)
February 19, 2018

In this study: How did Paul’s Roman citizenship help him? How did Claudius Lysius (the Roman Tribune) show that Paul had favor in his eyes? What is the story behind the beautiful city of Caesarea Maritima? How did Tacitus describe Governor Felix?

Discussion of “The Shack” at TPHS Veritas Club 2/16/18 (Podcast)
February 16, 2018

This is a discussion that we had in the Tellico Plains High School Veritas Club on 2/16/18 about the book and movie called “The Shack” . (Note: There was a loud fan blowing in the room. So the sound quality at the very beginning,

CCCS Chapel 2/15/18 The Belt of Truth-part 1 (Podcast)
February 16, 2018

This continues a series of brief studies with the students at Cross Creek Christian School on our spiritual warfare. The focus today is learning the truth about how Satan lies to us about sin. Stay in the battle!

What Does God Think about Valentine’s Day? (Podcast)
February 15, 2018

This is a brief devotional shared with students at Tellico Plains Junior High on Valentine’s Day 2018. Stay in the Battle! Steve Please check out the brief videos Vickie and I have begun to upload to our new Facebook page.

Acts 19-21 (Part 1) Paul’s Logic & Emotions Get in the Way (Podcast)
February 07, 2018

In this study: What unusual thing was going on with the 12 disciples Paul found in Ephesus? Is it possible for the Holy Spirit to be working in us without our awareness? Why was He so obvious at times in the book of Acts?

Acts 19-21 (Part 2) Learning from the Ephesians (Podcast)
February 07, 2018

In this study: What were some of the main warnings and admonitions that God gave the Ephesian elders through Paul? What did they do right? What did they do wrong? Stay in the battle! Steve Please check out the brief videos Vickie and I have begun to up...

CCCS Devotions 2/1/18 Spiritual Warfare (Podcast)
February 02, 2018

This is a 11-minute talk I shared with students and staff at Cross Creek Christian School on Thursday, February 2, 2018.  My goal was to help us all see the importance of being effective spiritual warriors so that we will one day look back on this life...

John 4:45-47 We All Need Jesus All the Time (Podcast)
January 29, 2018

This is the recording of a live study with the residents at McMinn Memorial Nursing Home in Etowah, TN on January 27, 2018 In this study: “Believe in” can mean more than one thing The danger of seeing Jesus as a “celebrity” The importance of recognizin...

Psalm 139 Sanctity of Human Life Sunday 2018 (podcast)
January 22, 2018

In this study: The omniscience of God The omnipresence of God The difference between omnipresence and pantheism The amazing creation of a human baby in the image of God How pro-abortionists love darkness and hate the light and frantically try to stamp ...

1 Corinthians 10:13 Cross Creek Christian School Devotions (Podcast)
January 12, 2018

This is a word of encouragement from 1 Corinthians 10:13 given during Thursday Devotions at Cross Creek Christian School on January 11, 2018 Stay in the battle! Steve Please check out the brief videos Vickie and I have begun to upload to our new Facebo...