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Latest Episodes

1 Corinthians 8-10 (Podcast)
April 09, 2018

In this study: What is the danger that often comes with knowledge? If someone thinks something is sin that we know is not sin, should we try to help them understand the truth? What rights for material support do ministers of the gospel have?

CCCS Chapel–The Truth about Us (Podcast)
April 04, 2018

This is a Cross Creek Christian School chapel message shared with students, faculty, and staff on March 29, 2018. It’s part of the Spiritual Warfare series. We’re still putting on the belt of truth. In this case,

1 Corinthians 7:15-40 Marriage & Divorce (Podcast)
March 26, 2018

This is an attempt to communicate what I believe God is teaching us about marriage and divorce through Paul in 1 Corinthians 7. It is a controversial passage. Godly teachers disagree with me and with each other.

1 Corinthians 7:1-15 Single? Married? His Needs, Her Needs
March 22, 2018

In this study: Is celibacy good? or bad? What do husbands and wives owe each other? What are the ten emotional needs identified by Willard Harley and highlighted in his book, His Needs, Her Needs? What are the six “Love Busters” highlighted by Harley?

Psalm 113:3 The Names of the Lord (CCCS Chapel 3/8/18) (Podcast)
March 09, 2018

In this message: Why does God command us to praise His Name? What are some of the most frequently used names of God? What are some of the most precious compound names of God? How does the 23rd Psalm summarize the character of God that He reveals to us ...

1 Corinthians 1:14-31 Wisdom of Men, Wisdom of God (Podcast)
March 05, 2018

In this study: Why did Paul thank God that he didn’t baptize many of the Corinthians? What does Paul’s attitude teach about baptismal regeneration? What is the danger of great speaking eloquence? What is the danger of exalting knowledge?

1 Corinthians 1:1-13 Disagree but Stay United (Podcast)
March 04, 2018

What is the history of the city of Corinth? Why did Paul write 1 Corinthians? What topics does Paul cover in 1 Corinthians? What can we learn about correcting our children and grandchildren from Paul’s introduction?

John 4:46-53 Signs and Wonders (Podcast)
February 24, 2018

What did Jesus have to say about those who craved signs and wonders? What signs and wonders did John the Baptist (who was filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb) perform? What is the potential danger of craving signs and wonders?

CCCS Chapel 2/22/18 The Belt of Truth about God (podcast)
February 23, 2018

What are some ways that Satan tries to lie to us about God? Why does God require us to recite the truth about Himself back to Him? What are some of the benefits of praising God? What is an example of an effective way to put on the belt of truth about G...

Acts 23-26 (Part 2) Paul in Caesarea (Podcast)
February 19, 2018

In this study: What kinds of evidence did Paul offer King Agrippa II? How do we know that Jesus’ appearance to Paul was an actual physical appearance and not just an internal subjective vision? What did Jesus reveal to Paul during that appearance on th...