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Welcome to Abounding Joy!

Latest Episodes

Acts 16:25-17:3 Philippi (part 2) (Podcast)
January 12, 2018

In this study: The account of the supernatural release of Paul and Silas from the Philippian jail The account of the conversion of the jailer Why the presentation of the Gospel can be extremely simple, even though there are critical truths we must not ...

Acts 16:11-25 Philippi (part 1) (Podcast)
January 12, 2018

In this study: An overview of Paul’s first and second missionary journeys The historical importance of the city of Philippi The account of the conversion of Lydia The account of the slave girl set free from her demonization The account of the arrest of...

Christmas at McMinn Memorial Nursing Home–Steve & Vickie Hall (Podcast)
December 28, 2017

On December 23, 2017 Vickie and I read Scriptures about the birth of Jesus to the residents of McMinn Memorial Nursing Home. At the end, at my request, Vickie sang “O Holy Night.” The background music during the readings is Stille Nacht (Silent Night) ...

Christmas Devotion at Cross Creek (Podcast)
December 15, 2017

This is a 15 minute Christmas devotion I shared with the students, faculty, and staff at Cross Creek Christian School on December 14, 2017. Stay in the battle! Steve To find and subscribe to Steve’s podcasts on ITunes (all subscriptions are free): http...

Acts 13:16-52 Paul’s First Recorded Sermon (Podcast)
December 08, 2017

In this study: How Paul saw the sovereignty of God displayed in history How Paul used apologetics in his sermon to the synagogue at Pisidian Antioch (fulfilled prophecy, eyewitness testimony, the testimony of a trustworthy man,

Acts 13:1-15 The Missionary Enterprise Begins (Podcast)
December 08, 2017

In this study: An overview of the last half of Acts An overview of Paul’s life leading up to his first missionary journey The heterogeneous leadership in the church at Antioch How serious followers of Christ will always face resistance and opposition T...

John 4:39-44 Lessons from the Samaritan Woman (Podcast)
November 27, 2017

In this study: How the Samaritan Woman shared her testimony Why embarrassing past sin doesn’t necessarily mean that we are hypocrites How she used a question to arouse curiosity How Jesus often honored women The contrast between the Samaritans who rece...

Leviticus 11-16 Yom Kippur Points to Jesus (Podcast)
November 24, 2017

In this study: The laws regarding  clean and unclean meats New Testament teaching about clean and unclean meats The laws regarding uncleanness after childbirth The laws regarding uncleanness due to leprosy What we learn about sin from leprosy The laws ...

Leviticus 1-7 The Sacrifices Point to Jesus (Podcast)
November 17, 2017

In this study: How the Burnt Offerings, the Grain Offerings, The Peace (Fellowship) Offerings, the Sin Offerings, and the Trespass Offerings point to Jesus. For those who were in the live study in our A5B class at Sevier Heights Baptist Church in Knoxv...

Ask Anything Sunday–Is it Ever OK for Christians to Drink Alcohol?
November 17, 2017

This podcast is a live discussion from our A5B class at Sevier Heights Baptist Church in Knoxville in response to the question, “Is it ever OK for Christians to drink alcohol?” Stay in the battle! Steve To find and subscribe to Steve’s podcasts on ITun...