Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

Latest Episodes

082: What Would I Want to Learn From My Younger Self?
June 23, 2021

There's a popular interview question I've been asked many times: What's one piece of advice you'd give your younger self? To me, a much more interesting question if I could travel back in time and meet my younger self would be: What could I learn from my

081: Meeting My Inner Narrator
June 13, 2021

I recently had another IFS session on an elliptical, and this time it led to an unexpected encounter with my inner narrator. Shownotes:  Connect with me: http

080: Make Your Inner Critic Part of Your Creative Practice
June 03, 2021

Whenever you pour your heart into a creative endeavor, those critical thoughts can derail you. "You can't do this." "This isn't good enough." "Who do you think you are to even try?" (And yeah—I'm holding back here. The voices in my head are much harsher.)

079: My 30 Day Creative Writing Challenge (Another Elliptical Session)
May 31, 2021

I've had another inner work session on the elliptical, and this time I've addressed a major emotional challenge of mine: chronic tension. I've had a very vocal inner critic that used to be the driving force in my life, and it drove me to success in many a

078: My Elliptical Inner Workout
May 30, 2021

I've recently had an interesting experience doing an IFS (Internal Family Systems) audio workshop while working out on a threadmill. There's something about working out physically while also doing inner work with your mind that I sparked my curiosity. Sho

077: My Full Body Meditation
May 29, 2021

About a year ago I had my first therapeutic MDMA session, and one of the biggest gifts that stayed with me is a type of meditation. This is the first time that I talk about this meditation and what it has done for me—and while I found it challenging to ar

076: Who Is My Inner Critic?
May 26, 2021

I'm highly self-critical by nature, often to a fault. A good amount of the inner work I've been doing over the past 2 years has been about reigning that part of myself in. But now that I'm exploring the IFS (Internal Family Systems) I had a realization: W

075: Why Naming My Feelings Was a Gamechanger
May 24, 2021

I've talked about how out of touch with my emotions I was here many times. One of the things that helped me changes this tremendously was a very simple exercise: I simply started to name my emotions. In this episode, I share how I've benefitted from namin

074: Are You Fragmented or Fully Present? The Art of Handling Inner Conflict
May 15, 2021

In this episode, I talk about when parts of myself are at conflict with each other. I'm the type of person that's very good at pushing myself to do things, I've got a strong inner pusher. But there's also a part of me that sometimes just want to relax, ta

073: The Parts of Myself I Want to Get Rid Of
May 11, 2021

In this episode I talk about an idea I've been exploring for a while now: That we're all made up of different parts, and how they often conflict with each other. There was a time when I thought the best way to deal with the undesirable parts is to just el