Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

Latest Episodes

072: My Journey as a Liar
April 29, 2021

There's a reason why being true and authentic matter so much to me: I know what's on the other side. When I was young, especially during my early teenage years, I lied a lot, habitually. In this episode, which is a conversation I've had  back in September

071: Am I Too Deep in the Rabbit Hole of Introspection?
April 23, 2021

The past couple of weeks being back in Germany, I've started doing what Germans do a lot: think, and think, and think some more. It got to the point where it feels out of balance: too much introspection, too much heavy self-analysis, too much thinking and

070: They Both Die at the End
April 21, 2021

Here's a book recommendation: They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera. A very quick and easy read, but one that moved me nonetheless and that I gifted to my nephews and nieces. Shownotes:  Connect with me:

069: I've Lost My Way by Never Getting Lost
April 18, 2021

There's a magic to going into a situation completely open, unprepared and without a plan, and improvising your way into a beautiful dance. Even though there's always the risk that instead of a beautiful dance, you just stumble and fall flat on your face.

068: A Beautiful Dance in the Sky
April 13, 2021

I never would have expected that pigeons could teach me something about myself—but some of life's most valuable lessons come in surprising ways.  Shownotes: Connect with me:  https://

067: How to Change Yourself: Slow Adjustments vs Instant Transformation
April 06, 2021

I've been reading a book about personal change and anger, and one paragraph early on in the book stood out to me: [If we want to change ourselves, we should do it] very slowly, no matter how crazy or self-defeating our current behavior appears to be. I

066: How Can I Be More Accepting of Others?
April 01, 2021

I've been wondering how I managed to accept some of the people in my life fully—just the way they are. I'm blessed to have many friends in my life whom I love and care for, but there are very few people whom I fully accept, whose flaws and shortcomings I

065: Fatherhood Odyssey: When Teaching, Make It Fun Before You Make It Right
March 29, 2021

While homeschooling my two sons, I witnessed my younger one just in the midst of that special phase where you learn to read and begin to make sense of words. And I (once more) realized the importance of fun: When teaching a new skill, don't stress out abo

064: We feel the truth
March 27, 2021

I do believe that we all have an intuitive sense for truth. We know the truth at all times, we feel it, we can sense it deep down. But for a variety of reasons, we cover it up, we edit it, we apply a filter to it, we hide it behind logic or stories we're

063: Don't Solve Other People's Problems
March 21, 2021

One of the questions that reading Kafka has brought up in my mind is: How much pain are we causing others by trying to carry their burden? How much of the help I'm providing to others is really in the long run taking away their potential blessings? Part o