Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

Latest Episodes

092: Meeting My Inner Endurer
August 08, 2021

I've yet again learned about another part of myself: It's the part that I call The Endurer, and it's one of the parts that my core Self hasn't fully integrated, or even acknowledged enough. I like to

091: Lying Is a Delightful Thing, for It Leads to Truth
August 06, 2021

"Lying is a delightful thing, for it leads to truth" wrote Dostoyevsky in Crime and Punishment. We discuss how you arrive at the truth through lying, and then about the twisted lies of Tolstoy's Anna

090: The Dangers of Overcorrecting Your Mistakes
August 02, 2021

Sometimes we don't learn from our mistakes at all, and we keep repeating them again and again. And sometimes we overcorrect our mistakes so much, that we just replaced one mistake with another mistake

089: Don’t Give Advice, Create Connection
July 24, 2021

I recently had a conversation with a friend who's been through a couple of challenging months. And as he shared his struggles with me, my initial response was to share how I in the past had overcome s

088: Stop Hiding Your Enthusiasm
July 19, 2021

This episode is an outtake from a conversation where I realized how I stifle my enthusiasm because I want to protect myself from the pain of embarrassment and disappointment. One of the greatest thing

087: Less Discussions, More Decisions
July 15, 2021

Many years ago in the early days of Close, my cofounders and I would go out for dinner once a week to discuss the business. These discussions were good, but oftentimes they were just that: discussions

086: The Joy of Inner Conflict in Tolstoy's Writing
July 10, 2021

One thing I love about Tolstoy's writing is with how much insight and empathy he's making the characters of his novels come alive. I learn so much about myself, and humanity in general by reading Anna

085: The Dance of Anger: Are You Over- or Underfunctioning?
July 06, 2021

One of the most insightful books on managing anger I've read is The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships, and in this episode I discuss the concept of ove

084: How to Change the Way I Feel About Germany?
July 02, 2021

I grew up in Germany, and spent most of my life there. And yet, I never felt at home in Germany, never liked living there. If Germany was a family member of mine, it would be a heartless, cold, disapp

083: The Beautiful Wisdom of Anna Karenina's Derailing Marriage
June 29, 2021

I've been reading Tolstoy's Anna Karenina recently, and absolutely love this book for the sharpness with which he looks at relationships, and how people communicate. There's so much wisdom within thes