Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

Latest Episodes

013: Creating Reality Distortion Fields
December 06, 2019

Steve Jobs wasn't the only person who could create reality distortion fields. Most really good sales people do it all the time. And while it can be a great blessing in life—it can also be a curse. I know this from firsthand experience.  At some point, you

012: How to Practice Gratitude
November 30, 2019

What are you grateful for today? It’s one of the most important questions I ask myself every day. I once said that appreciation is the currency we pay the universe with—and I still think that’s true. So at the end of each day, I ask myself: Have I paid wh

011: Want to Become a Top 1% Sales Pro? Master the 4 Levels of Emotional Competence
November 22, 2019

No matter what you sell and who you sell it to—sales ultimately boils down to a transfer of emotional energy. That's how you win deals; by changing the way people feel about buying your solution. Everything else is not a sale—it's merely a transaction

010: When a Sales Prospect Goes Silent, and You Don’t Know Why... Do This!
November 15, 2019

Have you ever been in the middle of negotiating a deal, trying to close a contract, and then something stalled the deal—but you didn’t know exactly what? Maybe the client has gone quiet and is unresponsive even after you’ve followed up multiple times alre

009: Turn Rejection into Progress with This Old-School Mind Hack
November 08, 2019

If you're facing a lot of rejection, here's an old-school hack I learned early on in my sales career.  You might have heard this before: The trick is to just turn every rejection as a stepping stone on the way to your goal. Work out the math. If out of 10

008: Broccoli & Sweat
November 02, 2019

Most of us are spending too much time searching for a better way of doing things, and not enough time actually doing them. Yes, there might be a better, more efficient way to lose weight than eating more broccoli and breaking a sweat at the gym. Eating be

007: How to deal with rejection
October 18, 2019

It's one of the most valuable skills in my life: The ability to get rejected, and keep moving on. In today's episode, I share my principal thoughts on dealing with rejection. Most importantly, how to not let rejection slow down your momentum. If you feel

006: The Path to Creating Great Work? Create a Lot of Crappy Work First
September 03, 2019

Content is so obvious, so often. Useless. No value. Yet, others are touched, amazed, impacted, and inspired by the most obvious truth of content consumed. Different people, perspectives, and points in their content journey: Sparks interest Generates

005: Knocking Down a Bully
July 01, 2019

The first time I knocked someone down during a fight, they collapsed and couldn’t continue sparring. I‘m not bragging or super tough, but it felt good. It inflated my ego. My opponent was younger, shorter, bulkier, muscular, and aggressive.  Every g

004: Never Ever Stop in the Middle
June 01, 2019

Here’s a Steli Efti exclusive just for you! Never, ever, ever stop in the middle. I’ve given that piece of advice several times, but never publicly; until now. No matter what you’re doing—a sales presentation, keynote speech, podcast recording—finish it.