Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

Latest Episodes

024: The Angry Samurai
May 17, 2020

What do you do when you get angry? Do you let the negative, desctructive shadow-side of anger take over?  Do you just control or suppress your anger? Or do you have ways to transform the energy that comes with anger into creative work? My oldest son recen

023: The moment I realized I would be great at sales
May 14, 2020

Salesmanship is in my blood. I discovered 20 years ago that I have a natural talent for it. Closing deals always came easy to me. In this episode, I share the story of my first major close. And more importantly, I share why my greatest strength was also t

022: Just a tree in your path - A short story from Mike Tyson's book IRON AMBITION
May 07, 2020

Today I want to share a little story I read. The story is about Cus D'Amato, an infamous boxing trainer, most known for training Mike Tyson. But his influence on the boxing world went way beyond just Iron Mike. He was one of the first boxing trainers that

021: The only asset worth investing in during this crisis
April 21, 2020

Many friends and fellow entrepreneurs come to me for investment advice during this crisis. The first thing you need to understand is that I'm not an investor. So don't put too much stock into my advice. That being said—I do have strong opinions. There are

020: What questions should I ask myself in this crisis?
April 12, 2020

1432 days ago I started a little routine: I begin every day by asking myself five essential questions. Answering these five questions creates clarity and vision for my day, before I engage with the daily chaos of my work and life, before I step into actio

019: How to be a wartime CEO (and why everyone needs to
April 04, 2020

This episode is not just for CEOs—everyone should adapt a "wartime CEO" mindset these days, I believe. The COVID-19 crisis is leading us farther into the unknown with every passing week.  This is a different format than what I usually publish—an almost ho

018: Your feelings are FAKE NEWS
March 28, 2020

I'd love to hear from you! Drop a comment at During the COVID-19 crisis, it's hard to figure out whom to trust. Governemnt agencies? Politicians? The media? International organizations? Med

016: The Gratitude Tracker for Entpreneurs
December 31, 2019

If you're the kind of ambitious person that's always looking ahead, there might be one thing you can do to grow even more: reflect on your successes and count your blessings.  In today's episode, I share how I train my brain to be grateful for the good in

015: Want that startup job? Let your CV tell a story
December 20, 2019

Thousands of people apply to join my our startup every month. Lots of “why you should hire me”-style pitches coming my way. Once you’re on the receiving end of screening job applications, you realize: CVs suck. Almost nobody is good at writing CVs—even ba

014: Building a Remote Sales Team? Avoid These 3 Common Mistakes
December 14, 2019

The future of work is going to be more and more remote. Not just for designers, developers, and marketers, but also to sales people. But you can't execute the same remote playbook that you applied with your remote engineering team—sales is a very differen