Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

Latest Episodes

043: I got rich slowly, but here's how you can get rich quick
January 29, 2021

It took me a long time to get rich. It still feels weird to say this about myself. But financially, I’m definitely rich. What’s funny is, I’ve been rich long before I even realized that I was rich. It was actually through conversations with friends that I

042: McGregor vs. Poirier 2 - Looking foolish in the name of progress
January 28, 2021

I was surprised to see McGregor get knocked out by Poirier this fast. But one thing that’s been bothering me about McGregor is that I don’t think he’s been picking the right sparring partners to prepare for this fight. None of his sparring partners really

041: LSD & Martial arts: Finding my flow in fighting
January 21, 2021

In this episode, I talk about a breakthrough I've had in my martial arts after a training session on LSD. In my training of martial arts, there are periods where I'm on a very intense schedule, practicing five, six, or even seven days a week. And then t

040: Pacing myself: Full speed until the fuel runs out isn't a good strategy
January 17, 2021

Here's a conversation where I talk about the importance of pacing myself and managing my energy throughout the course of a day.  I have a tendency to go full speed whenever I feel energized—until my tank runs out of fuel and I crash hard.  Today, I practi

039: Intimate art, loving playfulness, and my secret guitar
January 15, 2021

A few weeks ago, I ordered a guitar. I spent most of my teenage years chasing the dream of becoming the world's best guitarist, practicing all day, every day... until one day when I realized I'd never become the greatest. And from that day on, I've—with a

038: I visited an alternative healer
December 30, 2020

Here's another very personal episode. If you're looking for sales, startup, and business advice, skip this episode, it's not going to be a good use of your time. If you want to get to know me better as a human being, particularly some of my private strugg

037: Feeling my tiredness fully
December 27, 2020

Here's a personal conversation I've had with a friend back in September. I've been feeling tense and tired for a very long time, and I wanted to allow myself to just feel this feeling of tiredness more, rather than do what I usually do: trying to overcome

036: The wild wisdom of Zorba the Greek
December 13, 2020

One of my favorite reads of this year was Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis. I love Zorba’s practical wisdom and zest for life. He manages to see the everything and everybody as a miracle worth celebrating, while also recognizing that we’re all just sa

035: Way of the Warrior: Getting real
December 05, 2020

Here's another Way of the Warrior episode, where I share lessons I learn while practicing martial arts. Today, I'm going to talk about the difference between theory, practice, and real-world application. There's a certain technique I've practiced many ti

034: When Siddhartha met Buddha (and walked away)
November 26, 2020

I recently read Herman Hesse's book Siddhartha, which tells the story of a man seeking enlightenment. From a young age on, together with his best friend, he sought spiritual teachers and mentors to learn and guide him. Because he was a very dedicated disc