Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

Latest Episodes

053: I just can't relax
February 21, 2021

I was out on the balcony on a sunny day in Austin. It was a nice day. Everything was fine. Beautiful music playing. My day's work was done. And that's when it hit me: I'm good at many things—but relaxing isn't one of them. Even when you see me chilling, i

052: A year of self-discovery and intense inner work with Ryan Robinson
February 20, 2021

Today I'm talking with my good friend Ryan Robinson, one of the most disciplined people I know, and also one of the most prolific content creators. But that's not what this conversation is about. 2020 has been an intense year for Ryan, a lot of personal t

051: Do your work in public
February 19, 2021

In this episode, I talk about our podcast, and why it's so different from the content we've created in the past. Most of these episodes are unstructured conversations and explorations of random themes of my life—there are no actionable takeaways, no bites

050: You can’t be upset with others, and at peace with yourself
February 16, 2021

Most of the episodes of this podcast are me talking about a topic that’s currently on my mind—oftentimes meanderings that don’t lead to a clear conclusion, or challenges I’m facing that yet lack a satisfying solution. It’s inner work in progress. Today

049: Why you should archive all your emails today
February 15, 2021

I'm the CEO of a very successful software startup. 8-figure revenue, thousands of customers all around the world, employees spread out all across the globe. I know what email stress feels like. In fact, I was stressed out AF about my email inbox. Until my

048: What it's like to love a fighter with Kevin von Duuglas-Ittu
February 13, 2021

I'm excited to release our first ever interview on the Inner Work podcast. I spoke with Kevin von Duuglas-Ittu. If you're really into Muay Thai—maybe you're familiar with the amazing work he and his wife Sylvie are doing together.   But even if not, I'd e

047: What happened to my mind when I stopped consuming content for 1 month
February 11, 2021

There's a reason why I grew a multi-million dollar company through content marketing. I'm good at content because I've consumed a ton of content in my life—starting out as a child where I spent all day every day in front of a TV. I was basically raised by

046: The soul of little things
February 10, 2021

I've been very out of touch with my own emotions, wants and needs for a long time. And much of the past year has been about getting to know myself better: What do I want? What do I really like? For myself, not for my company, my family, for my team, for m

045: Fatherhood odyssey: 5 success rules for 5-year olds
February 09, 2021

A while back I was driving my sons back home with the car, and they got excited about a dope looking sports car they saw. And it led to something I almost never do: I shared advice on how to be successful in life with them. In this episode, I'll share it

044: The half-assed life: Be one of the few who fully commit
February 04, 2021

Today's episode is a rant about the power of commitment. It's something that's so rare—to see someone being fully committed, to truly go all in, to not hold anything back. I want to see and create more of that in the world, and less people who spend most