Latest Episodes
Wining w/ Chris Swanson | Ep. 12
After a year of begging, pleading, and being stood up, I finally sit with the infamous Chris Swanson. Chris Swanson is lactose intolerant living in an ice cream world. Pour a glass of your favorite Two Buck Chuck, sit back and relax,
2020 Review w/ Todd | Ep. 8
In this episode of Podcast, we roam through 2020 and the impact the ‘Rona had, share a few laughs recapping the year, and guessing how 2021 will turn out. Will we return to any sense of normalcy?
All About The 6th Grade
In this curious conversation, we get a glimpse of how compulsory school (K – 12) has been impacted by COVID-19, how both students and teachers always have a lot to learn, and how being able to ask for help is a sign of courage,
Podcast Episode 1 – da Vinci and his endless curiosity
How did da Vinci feed his curiosity? First off, you have two ways to find out. Because most of us are busy with our everyday life, we have made a short, 12 minute podcast on Leonardo da Vinci and his endless curiosity for your learning-on-the-go.