Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

Latest Episodes

How to Become a Real Estate Sales Guru w/Joe Sesso
November 05, 2019

Sales technique, lead generation and client development aren’t skills we automatically gain as soon as we get licensed. We have to work daily at mastering these skills, as they determine how successful we will be in business. What is the first step...

How to Create Video Content That Boosts Visibility & Lead Generation w/Antoine Dupont
October 29, 2019

Video content is by far the most engaging, lead generating and powerful medium right now, but agents are still nervous about how they look and sound, and stuck when it comes to what to talk about. What kind of video content can we make if we want to...

The Importance of Real Estate Agent Training, Coaching & Education w/Leigh Brown
October 22, 2019

Real estate is a unique business for many reasons, but one major reason is the disconnect between the ease of getting licensed and the level of responsibility agents undertake. Why do we need more training and education? Why is it so important for us...

How to Grow Your Business With Facebook Lead Ads w/Andrew Fogliato
October 15, 2019

One of the biggest investments real estate agents have to make is in their lead generation, and Facebook advertising is a powerful way to generate leads. How much money should we be willing to spend on our ads? What kind of systems do we need to have...

How to Bridge Our Online & Offline Marketing w/Alex Camelio
October 08, 2019

In this age of social media, technology and digital, it’s hard to imagine any offline marketing methods still being relevant to us today, but very often the offline makes the online more successful. What are the most effective types of offline...

How To Be A More Effective Storyteller w/Kyle Draper
October 01, 2019

Great content isn’t just about great visuals, it’s about resonance and the impact of the message. Real estate agents miss out on this and end up posting content that does nothing to connect with people. What is the real estate community getting...

How To Build Your Instagram Story Confidence w/Barbara Betts
September 24, 2019

A key part of using social media to get more sales is to get in front of more people, and right now Facebook and Instagram Stories are where people are hanging out and making connections. How do we choose where to post our stories? What kind of...

Facebook Live Series: Parenthood and Believing that You Can do Anything
September 17, 2019

While we’ve all had to deal with naysayers at some point in our lives, we also need to own up to the fact that sometimes, we might be our own naysayers- or worse- someone else’s. Even though we may think we’re ‘keeping it 100’ by being what...

Facebook Live Series 2: Why I Left Pharma Sales For Real Estate And Never Looked Back
September 10, 2019

Early in my career, I was balancing two careers, as a pharmaceutical rep and as a real estate agent. Even though it seemed impossible, I was the top earner in pharma sales, and then I successfully switched to real estate full-time, and made more in a...

How To Succeed in the Real Estate Game w/Lawrence Watkins
September 03, 2019

Real estate is one of very few business ventures where we can earn good money in a very short time, but to achieve this, we have to play the game right. What does someone looking to get into real estate need to know about getting licensed and becoming...