Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

Latest Episodes

How to Dominate Your Real Estate Market With YouTube Videos w/Karin Carr
January 14, 2020

When it comes to publishing content, most of us are so much more focused on Facebook and Instagram, that we miss out on massive opportunities with YouTube. It’s a platform that can help real estate agents inexpensively generate leads and become more...

How to Unlock Your Zone of Greatness w/Anita AC Clinton
January 07, 2020

There are so many things that can hold us back from success, but many of these manifest from our thoughts and actions. How do we overcome our own internal limitations and unlock massive growth? What are the 3 key behaviors that define successful...

Top Things to Kill From Your Business
December 31, 2019

A few years ago, I found myself drifting, drained, and away from my purpose and my goals. Why did I decide to let go of all my designations, certifications, and licenses? What did I discover when I did that? What are some of the biggest mistakes that...

Your Social Media Game Plan
December 24, 2019

Social media is one of the most powerful ways to brand ourselves and build a pipeline for our business. However, for a lot of agents, creating content is an overwhelming and intimidating task. How do you incorporate social media strategy and content...

How to Be Digitally Relevant As a Real Estate Agent w/Jason Frasier
December 17, 2019

One of the things real estate agents have working in their favor is their local knowledge, but the problem is many of us aren’t leveraging that in our marketing and social media content. What strategy can we apply to grow our own local brands? On...

Aspirational Lifestyle Marketing Tactics w/Jim Remley
December 10, 2019

In order to set ourselves apart in our markets, we have to rethink our approach to marketing and advertising - with a focus on lifestyle, not home features. How do traditional amenities based listings and ads actually disqualify a lot of potential...

The Path to Real Estate Sales Mastery w/David Hill
December 03, 2019

With the new year upon us, it’s time for us to start our business planning for the next 12 months, and a huge part of business planning is constantly refining our sales skills and processes. How do we switch from a prospecting-heavy model, to...

Award-Winning Tips to Improve Your Facebook Strategy w/Vincent Hampton
November 26, 2019

One of the biggest mistakes Realtors make on social media is that they are too focused on selling and can put off potential clients and prospects. How can we be active on Facebook without appearing too ‘salesy’? What does it take to get more...

How Publishing a Book Increases Credibility & Audience Engagement w/Mitchell Levy
November 19, 2019

With so many social media options, it means these platforms are no longer a huge differentiator for entrepreneurs and experts, and that means we need to find other avenues to create an edge and stand out. How do we write a great book without...

How to Efficiently & Consistently Create Quality Instagram Content w/Jack O'Donohue
November 12, 2019

When it comes to choosing the best platforms to invest our time, effort and money into, Instagram offers a high return. It gives us the opportunity to entertain and educate, set ourselves apart, and establish our own unique visual brand in the market....