Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

Latest Episodes

Attracting & Selling To The Millennial Market w/Bobby Bryant
August 25, 2020

There’s a 20-year age gap between the average Realtor and millennial. Even though millennials now make up the majority of real estate transactions, there’s still a huge disconnect between expectation and reality with the agents on the ground....

Real Producers Race Discussion
August 11, 2020

Over the last few months, there has been increased conversation and dialogue around racism, and what we can do to make a real lasting change in this country. It’s been necessary for us to talk about how racism impacts the real estate professionals...

Building a $20 Million Real Estate Business on YouTube w/Jackson Wilkey
July 21, 2020

A huge part of what real estate agents do on a daily basis is marketing. We have to bring people into our world while allowing them to know, like and trust us. There is one platform that can help us cut this work in half, and that’s YouTube. With...

Women's Council Has a Conversation About Race
July 07, 2020

The events in our country over the last 2 months have been challenging, and as a nation, we’ve had to have conversations about race and inclusivity on both the community and professional level.    The Women’s Council is a group with a...

Lighting up the cannabis space w/Michael Malcolm
June 23, 2020

In the first month of legalization in the state of Illinois, cannabis sales reached almost $40 million. If anyone is looking for a single reason to get into the cannabis business, this is it.   How can we enter the cannabis space? Are there any...

We Are Hurting! We Need Your Help
June 09, 2020

These have been challenging and uncomfortable times and on the South Side of Chicago many communities have been impacted and devastated. My fellow REALTORS® have reached out in need of support for their communities, their families and their...

How to Become a Successful Speaker
May 26, 2020

There’s an abundance of opportunities in the world of speaking, and there are definite steps you can take to get started.    It’s important to work on your speaking ability, build your network of relationships and to carve out a...

GoGo Bethke On Leveraging Technology and Using Quarantine to Better Ourselves and Our Businesses
May 12, 2020

The real estate industry is anything but business as usual right now. Agents have had to pivot, adapt and find new ways to keep businesses operating. Chaotic times can also be times of great opportunity, learning and growth. We can emerge out of this...

What We Learned At Social Media Marketing World 2020
April 28, 2020

I had the pleasure to attend this year’s Social Media Marketing World, and got to hear from the world’s best social media experts about what we can do to improve our reach, effectiveness and conversion on social media.    We learned...

How to Create Your Own Market Space w/Jackie Jackson
April 14, 2020

As real estate professionals, our activities and approaches need to be dynamic to move along with the changes in the market. Our ability to remain in business is directly impacted by how we’re able to create and dominate our own market spaces. ...