Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast | SKFitLife

Latest Episodes

18: That Diet Could be Dangerous with Amy Gerberry – Stop Chasing Skinny Episode
February 10, 2015

As a fitness professional, I spend day in and day out with the word DIET. Prior to becoming a fitness professional, I competed in physique competitions, sometimes referred to as, “the sport of dieting”. For as long as I can remember before … Continue r...

17: What Is Disordered Eating? with Dr. Jill Ilagan – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
February 03, 2015

Our new societal normal is riddled with disordered eating and eating disorder-type behaviors. Diets, detoxes, lifestyle food choices that eliminate entire food groups, the scale, calorie counting, and constantly critiquing our bodies just to name a few...

16: How Your Hair and Your Health are Connected with Geoff Richardson – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
January 27, 2015

Do you know how intertwined your hair and your health are? Your hair is an indicator of your health and the products you use on your hair can have a huge impact on your health. Listen in as I bring … Continue reading →

15: Chiropractic Care for Athletes with Dr. Jodi Kennedy – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
January 20, 2015

Dr. Jodi Kennedy was pretty much born into chiropractic as a third generation chiropractor and the 17th chiropractor in her family. Dr. Kennedy grew up living the lifestyle she currently prescribes to her patients. Specializing in athletes, Dr.

14: The Missing Link to Weight Loss Very Few People Know About, Including Personal Trainers with Dr. Jimerson and Dr. Gillespie – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
January 13, 2015

Did you know that you can do ALL THE RIGHT THINGS when it comes to training and nutrition and still not look or feel any better? A functional medicine doctor seems to be where some people end up after they … Continue reading →

13: These Images Could Save Your Life with Shanna Schulze – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
January 06, 2015

We have more options than we think when it comes to our health care. I think this information is such a critical tool in preventative health care measures that I even decided to share my full reports analysis with you. Check … Continue reading →

12: There are no Bad Foods with Melissa Toler – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
December 30, 2014

Melissa Toler’s message and mission is to challenge the rules around food and exercise that keep people imprisoned. Her goal is to free women who feel like they are really held hostage by rules of, “eat this, don’t eat that.” … Continue reading →

11: Do I really have to give up my wine? with Ann White – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
December 23, 2014

This is one of the Top 5 questions people ask me about fitness and especially weight loss, so I wanted to bring you my friend and client, Ann White, to talk about the slippery slope many people get caught in. … Continue reading →

10: How to be a Fitness Model with Stephanie Keenan – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
December 16, 2014

How to be a fitness model. I am asked this question all the time so I decided to give my best answer during this podcast! Other topics include: * If you have ever thought, “it’s not fair,” when it comes … Continue reading →

9: How and Why to Support Local Food Producers with Nikki Seibert – Stop Chasing Skinny Podcast
December 09, 2014

Did you know that nutrients begin to degrade as soon as produce is picked? And that fruits and vegetables which have to be transported are typically picked before they are fully ripe in order to stay intact during the shipping … Continue reading →