Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Latest Episodes

Second Date Update: Whack Beach Wedding
June 17, 2022

You have to take risks if you want to find true love! One of our listeners did exactly that when he crashed a strangers wedding! Hear what other dangerous moves he made in an all new Second Date Podca

Second Date Update: Models & Manchester
June 15, 2022

A professional model says she recently started listening to our show, but is she open to love with one of our listeners?

Second Date Update: Funny Farm
June 13, 2022

The guy in today’s Second Date wanted his date to meet his parents right away! Is that a good sign or a huge red flag?

Second Date Update: Too Late To Apologize
June 10, 2022

The guy in today’s Second Date wants our help to apologize for saying one of the rudest things we’ve ever heard on this show. Is it too little too late though?

Second Date Update: Super Rich Sucks
June 08, 2022

We had to make Alexis swear not to hit on the listener in today's Second Date... Because it's one of the wealthiest, most elaborate dates we've ever heard of!

Second Date Update: Read My Lips
June 06, 2022

Running into the last person you would ever want to see while out on a date is a nightmare. It happened to one of our listeners and it might be one of the cringiest Second Dates we’ve ever done!

Second Date Update: Pan-Bandoned
June 03, 2022

The couple in today’s Second Date went on a date to the Fair and they left with a big mystery afoot… We’ll help them sort it out and solve their problem in the podcast!

Second Date Update UPDATE: Beanbag Guinea Pigs
June 02, 2022

Jacob and Brenly were on our show months ago and their date sounded less like a romantic evening and more like a scene from Squid Game. Now, after a few months they’re back to update us on their lives

Second Date Update: Prehistoric Romance
June 01, 2022

One of our listeners is trying to make a romantic connection with a woman who shares his favorite movie. But is that bond enough to start a relationship?

Second Date Update: Promtastrophe
May 31, 2022

Are your dating standards at an all time low? Well, today we might restore your faith in romance, because one of our listeners went above and beyond to plan a special night!