Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Latest Episodes

Second Date Update: Come Back Later
May 30, 2022

One of our listeners emailed us for help with a Second Date after he said something that rubbed his date the wrong way BEFORE their date ever even started!

Second Date Update: Mexican Walkout
May 27, 2022

What do you do when your date getting less interested in you as the night goes on? One of our listeners had that problem and tried everything, and still couldn't turn the night around...But he's not g

Second Date Update: Age-Ja-Vu
May 25, 2022

What’s the opposite of a Wingman? Whatever you call it, that type of guy is what ruined Mike’s night with Tanya. Now he wants our help to try and save it with a Second Date!

Second Date Update: Putt Putt Ghost
May 23, 2022

The guy in today’s Second Date was having the worst nights of his life… before a beautiful woman stepped in and changed everything…

Second Date Update: Jesus Take The Selfie
May 20, 2022

One of our listeners was convinced into doing a selfless, good deed on his first date...And somehow it completely backfired...

Second Date Update: Hero to Zero
May 19, 2022

The guy in today’s Second Date stepped in to make a heroic gesture, but what happened after that made everything uncomfortable. So we’re gonna try and help him rescue a rendezvous and another date!

Second Date Update: Snacks & Secrets
May 18, 2022

The woman in today’s Second Date says it only took a singular, cheeky one-liner to get Ben interested in her. Hear what the magic words were in the podcast!

Second Date Update: Mysterious Stranger At My Door
May 17, 2022

Everything is all fine and dandy until a mysterious woman knocks on your door and throws your entire dating life for a loop. It happened to one of our listeners and we’ve got all the juicy details in

Second Date Update: Hockey Fan Gets Hosed
May 16, 2022

Something caused the woman in today’s Second Date to abandon her date during the middle of an overtime hockey game. What was she running towards.... or ESCAPING from?

Second Date Update: Boat Fished
May 13, 2022

We’ve dealt with Catfishing on this show, but today’s Second Date might be the first case of BOATfishing in recorded history!