Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Latest Episodes

Second Date Update: Ex-Flash
July 01, 2022

Is it possible to fall for someone who has a completely different sense of humor than you do? If it’s possible we’re gonna do our best to try and help two of our listeners overcome it in a Second Date

Second Date Update: Dude, Where's Her Car?
June 30, 2022

One of our listeners felt comfortable letting her date do something that some couples wait months or years to do… She put a lot of trust in him...and unfortunately that backfired on her.

Second Date Update: What's Your Name Again?
June 29, 2022

Brooke tried to stand up for the girl in today’s Second Date but it backfired BAD! Hear what she said and why she felt the need to defend this woman in the podcast!

Second Date Update: Hot Tub Boob Job
June 28, 2022

The guy on the phone today insisted that he send us a SHIRTLESS picture to help explain what went wrong on his date... It seemed weird but it ended up being really important!

Second Date Update: Doggy Bag
June 27, 2022

The guy on the phone for today’s Second Date got raked over the coals for something seemingly innocent he did at the tail end of his date. We need you to weigh in if it was out or bounds or not!

Second Date Update: Fearsome Foursome
June 24, 2022

What happens when you’re on a date and two mysterious strangers appear and sit down at your table? It happened to one of our listeners and he’ll explain what he did in the podcast!

Second Date Update: The Case of the Mysterious Limp
June 23, 2022

We’re going to do something a little different in today’s Second Date: actually TRY. A suspicious thing happened at the end of our listener’s date and she wants us to investigate what really happened

Second Date Update: Stranger in the Night
June 22, 2022

One of our listeners says a guy decided to throw a MID-DATE surprise for her… And she LOVED IT… But now HE’S the one ghosting? And we're here to find out why!

FULL SHOW: Monday, June 20th, 2022
June 20, 2022

Curious if we look as bad as we sound? Follow us at:

Second Date Update: First Time Tinderer
June 20, 2022

The woman in today’s Second Date is trying online dating for the first time after leaving a long term relationship. Her first try went so well she’s reaching out to us for help!