Running Pastor

Running Pastor

Latest Episodes

New Kingdom, Same God
August 02, 2020

As we look at Daniel 6 we see that there is a new king, and a new kingdom in town. However God quickly proves He is still in control as Daniel faces a trial-by-ordeal in the lion's den.

The handwriting is on the wall for Babylon
August 01, 2020

In Daniel 5 we see the last co-regent king of Babylon (Belshazzar) looking for a fight with God. He gets one, but ends up wishing he hadnt!

King High, King Low
July 07, 2020

In Daniel 4 we see the great heights that king Nebuchadnezzar made it to during his life, we see how he got there (by God's hand) and how God humbled him in order to show the king, and all people, who is truly in charge.

The God Who Is Worthy
June 29, 2020

As we look at Daniel 3 we see a great reminder that, no matter what person, place, or thing we are tempted to worship, God Himself is the only One worthy of our full attention, devotion, praise... and we see 2 reasons why that is so!

The God Who Reveals Mysteries
June 24, 2020

In Daniel chapter 2 we see how the wise men let the king down, a prophecy that the king and his kingdom will eventually let them down, but we also see a God who knows all things who will never let you down!

Daniel 1 God's Power Travels
June 18, 2020

As we look at the narrative of Daniel 1, centering around the Fantastic Four (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) not eating the kings rations, we see that God has no less power in Babylon than He does in Jerusalem!

Discussion on Romans 12:9-18
June 09, 2020

Bro. Don Hollis and Bro. Zach Kilpatrick sit down for a talk through these deep and meaningful verses. This lesson was originally video recorded to serve as a virtual Sunday School lesson at Mt. Zion.

Short Character Study: King Josiah
June 09, 2020

For one of our Wednesday evening virtual lessons Bro. Zach looked at the life of King Josiah, and how it provides some of the backdrop for the book of Daniel.

The Book of Daniel; Background and Setting
June 09, 2020

We look at the major players in the book of Daniel, the nations, kings... where they are, why they are there. And we are also reminded of the beauty of the Gospel as we see a picture of the wrath that we deserve, that Christ took in our place!

1 John 5:13-21 "Cheerful Courage"
May 26, 2020

As John ends his letter he shares several reminders that bring great calm and assurance to Christians, and that should bring a great sense of urgency to those that are not.