Running Pastor

Running Pastor

Latest Episodes

3 John 11-15 Watch who you watch
November 02, 2020

John implores his dear friend Gaius to imitate what is good and not what is evil. We explore this in the immediate context of the letter and work to apply it to our lives as well!

3 John 1-8 Treating Missionaries as we ought to
October 20, 2020

Bro. Zach begins the book of 3 John by looking at the introduction (v.1-4) and the first part of the body (v.4-8). In it we see how we ought to support missionaries and how we can help take the Gospel places we will never step foot!

2 John 7-11 Dealing with False Teachers
October 04, 2020

John addresses the fact that there were false teachers hiding among the believers and gives specific instructions bc of that fact. These things are directly applicable for us today as well!

2 John 1-6 The Truth
October 01, 2020

John tells us that the truth is something we know, something that lives in us, and something that we walk in. What does he mean, and how does understanding it allow us to show God our love to Him?

Daniel 11-12: The Good, the Bad, and the End
September 24, 2020

As we finish out the book of Daniel we see a glorious glimpse of the eternal life to come for all believers, what will take place before that time gets here, and are reminded of the overarching theme of the book.

Daniel 10 God Over All
September 14, 2020

In Daniel 10 we begin the final section of the book. Chapter 10 introduces the final vision that will encompass chapters 11-12 and also gives us a clear glimpse into the ongoing battle between God and evil forces in the heavenly places!

Daniel 9 (part 2) God's Response
September 09, 2020

Last week we saw Daniel praying and asking for God's mercy. This week Bro. Zach finishes chapter 9 by looking at God's response to Daniel. Spoiler alert: God reveals to Daniel what the end of time will look like!

Daniel 9 (Part 1) Daniel's Prayer
August 31, 2020

As we turn our attention to Daniel 9 we spend our first week looking at Daneil's prayer, the rich theology found in it, and see how it reflects the Mosaic covenant and foreshadows the New Covenant to come though Jesus Christ.

Daniel 8; A Vision Accurately Predicting the Future
August 24, 2020

In Daniel 8 we see Daniel being given a vision about a Ram with lopsided horns, a Goat with a large horn between its eyes, and a small horn that grows up. In this we see a prediction about Persia, Greece, and a strong ruler that lifted himself in oppos

Daniel 7; 4 beasts, the Ancient of Days and the Son of Man
August 17, 2020

There are several titles in Daniel's 1st apocalyptic dream, but their imagery isn't immediately clear. Bro. Zach looks at the interpretation given by the angel in the dream to help us understand the point of this text.