Running Pastor

Running Pastor

Latest Episodes

Praying Properly
January 10, 2021

As we look deeply at Matthew 6:5-15 we see Jesus showing us how not to pray and how to pray and I think it calls us to deeply study how we have been praying and how we could pray more properly.

Doing Your Righteousness: Giving to the Needy
January 03, 2021

As we look at Matthew 6:1-4 we see some principles for giving in a way that honors God and why that is important for His children

The Messiah Will Undo All That Sin Has Done
December 27, 2020

In Isaiah 11 we see several of the beautiful promises that come along with the Messiah, but we also see that Jesus (The Messiah) will eventually usher in an eternal kingdom that wont have any of the effects of sin!

The Messiah, Our Peace, Will Come From Bethlehem
December 20, 2020

As we continue to look at Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in Jesus we see the promises of Micah 5:1-5 that show that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem and would bring security and peace to His people!

The Messiah's Good News for the Poor
December 13, 2020

As we look at Isaiah 61:1-2 we see that the Messiah was going to have some really good things with Him when He came! Then, when we see that Jesus is the Messiah, we see how these things came to pass.

Messiah, the Son of David
December 07, 2020

Bro. Zach looks at 2 Samuel 7 to see the promises made by God in the Davidic covenant, and then at Matthew 1 to see how Jesus fulfills these beautiful promises!

The Antidote
November 29, 2020

As we look at Genesis 3 we see the devastating consequence of sin, but we also see the promise of the One Who was to come (Jesus) and how He has now offered us freedom from the curses of sin and death.

Assurance and Peace from our Shepherd (Psalm 23)
November 24, 2020

As we look at the most well known of all the Psalms we discover reason after reason that God's people can feel reassured and at peace!

Finding Hope When Hope Seems Lost (Psalm 42-43)
November 17, 2020

The Psalmist, a worship leader (one of the sons of Korah), felt far from God and was hurting and distressed because of it. However, in the midst of this troubling time he had reason to hope, and we do too! We explore exactly what it was here.

Matthew 28:19-20 The Great Commission
November 16, 2020

Former Mt. Zion member and soon to be missionary to Kenya, Cody Cunnigham, preaches on the Great Commission and also shares about his families upcoming move to teach in Kenya.