Running Pastor

Running Pastor

Latest Episodes

Jesus Is Convicted for Being God
March 21, 2021

As Jesus is put on trial for claiming to be God by His own people in Luke 22:66-71 we get the privilege of seeing His response that reminds us of how worthy He truly is!

Passover, Pentecost, and a Promise Fulfilled
March 15, 2021

In Acts 2:1-13 we see the coming of the Holy Spirit, the fulfillment of Jesus' promise to the disciples, but I believe the timing of this event, on the day of Pentecost, magnifies the picture of God's faithfulness!

Scripture Informed the Early Church
March 10, 2021

After Jesus ascended to heaven in Acts 1 how would the disciples know what to do? What was going on, what would they do next? Especially while waiting on the Holy Spirit to come?! They were guided by God, through the Scriptures.

The Promise Of The Spirit And Power To Be Witnesses
March 04, 2021

As we continue our series through the book of Acts we look at the task that Jesus specifically called His followers to in 1:6-11, and how they would have enough strength to undertake such a task.

God's Holiness; Man's Sinfulness (Exodus 34)
February 28, 2021

As guest speaker Justin Davis shares from Exodus 34 it becomes very clear how immeasurable the gap is between who we are and who God is. But we also see the beautiful truth of how God has bridged that gap through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus

Introducing Acts
February 15, 2021

As we begin our new sermon series going through the book of Acts we look at 1:1-5 to see the connection to the Gospel of Luke, the continuity of Jesus' mission, and how desperately we need God to do all that we do!

Jesus, the Bread of life
February 08, 2021

Before observing the Lord's Supper together we look at John 6 to be reminded that Jesus is truly the Bread of life, and the only way to get to heaven!

Living A Worry-Free Life
January 31, 2021

As we finish up Matthew 6 we see Jesus wrapping things up by pointing out how our minds shouldn't be back and forth between the worries of this world and focusing on God, but should maintain Him as our sole priority.

Treasuring Christ Above All Else
January 27, 2021

In Matthew 6:19-24 Christ calls us to treasure the eternal things of heaven rather than the temporary things of this earth. This is a fairly simple message, with very difficult application, and eternity-reaching implications!

Fasting God's Way
January 20, 2021

What does it mean to fast, how can we fast improperly, and how can we fast properly? These are all questions that are answered in Matthew 6:16-18.