Running Pastor

Running Pastor

Latest Episodes

John 20 The Account of the Empty Tomb
April 13, 2020

On Easter Sunday we go through the first 17 verses of John 20 and try to relive the grief and the joy felt by John, Peter, and Mary on that first glorious Easter morning!

John 19 The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
April 09, 2020

As we look at the death of Christ we see the omniscience, sovereignty and love of God. We also see the obedience, glory, and love of Christ. Both should make us rejoice greatly!

King of an Everlasting Kingdom
March 30, 2020

In John 18:33-37 we see Pilate's trial and questioning of Jesus. Jesus' answers to Pilate's question tell us a lot of things that help us to understand Him and His mission here on earth.

God's Amazing Love
March 17, 2020

Before we received the Lord's Supper together we looked at 1 John 4:7-21 to see John showing us several amazing thing's about God's amazing love!

Test the Spirits
March 06, 2020

In 1 John 4:1-6 John calls us to "test the spirits" as he reminds us that many false prophets and teachers are led by "the spirit of the antichrist" rather than the Holy Spirit.

When our heart condemns us, God is greater than our hearts.
February 27, 2020

In 1 John 3:19-24 John gives us another test of true Christianity and helps us apply this to times when we doubt whether God could love or accept us.

Signs of Life
February 18, 2020

in 1 John 3:11-18 John once again calls us to love one another, but this time gives us examples of what this looks like, and what it doesn't. He also makes clear to us where this love comes from. Hint: It isn't from us mustering it up inside of us!

Warning Against Antichrists
February 03, 2020

IN 1 John 2:18-27 John warns the recipients of his letter about "many antichrists that have come." He tells us who they are, why we should be aware of them, and how we can protect ourselves against their teachings.

Your Soul's Identity
January 30, 2020

As we continue working our way through 1 John we look at chapter 2::12-17 to see where our identity lies, and why this is another reminder of why we should abstain from loving the things of this world.

Are you in the light or the dark (1 John 2:3-11)
January 21, 2020

As John continues to use the main theme of "God is light" he now gives us three distinct ways to know whether or not we are Christians. Are you walking in these ways?