Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne
Latest Episodes
Episode 67: Why You Are Stuck (Mini-Series Part 1)
Hello and welcome back to another episode. You are in for a treat because today’s episode kicks off part1 of a three part mini series breaking down 3 of the most common experiences people have when their marriage feels like it’s fallen off track.
Episode 66: When He’s Cold and Distant
If you are wondering how to respond to your husband who has grown cold and distant, this is the podcast episode for you. I know it feels like a lonely time and that the answer is to just have your husband snap out of it. However,
Episode 65: Exacerbated Issues
So often we exacerbate issues by making a circumstance worse than it really is simply by layering on so much more to the facts than necessary. This causes a situation to be heavier, harder and more difficult than it needs to be.
Episode 64: Clean and Clear Decisions
How do you know if you are making decisions from a place of clarity? When it comes to your marriage you might currently be in a space where you feel that your decision to stay is cloudy or muddy. If that is you,
Episode 63: When You Want Your Husband to Change
Today we will be discussing a very common desire among many of us. And that is our desire for our husbands to change. It seems like THE answer to so many things in our marriage. I’m going to share with you four very specific things that I have persona...
Episode 62: Emotional Training
Today I would like to introduce the concept of Emotional Training. This concept can be compared to working out. You build muscles because you push yourself beyond what is comfortable and then the muscle gets stronger and bigger and you’re more lean.
Episode 61: The Growth Effect
We don’t often have the full awareness of our impact on our husband and on the dynamics within the marriage. We are never taught how to truly self-reflect and use that for our growth. Today we will be discussing the Growth Effect and exploring the new ...
Episode 60: Radical Responsibility
Hello there! I am so happy to be back and to be spending this time with you. Today I want to share with you the concept of Radical Responsibility. Radical Responsibility is you taking full ownership of the experience you have, the result you create,
Episode 59: How to be EXTRAordinary During a Crisis
During times of crisis, who do you choose to be? During this episode I share 5 major distinctions between what is considered the “norm” or “ordinary” and how to rise and elevate yourself to the level of extraordinary.
Episode 58: How I Survived This Week
We are still navigating unprecedented times. This past week has been unexpected and for some extremely nerve-racking. As a wife and mother myself, I share some of the same concerns, questions and issues. This week I want to offer how I’ve personally be...