Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

Latest Episodes

Step 4 Inventory - Recovered 1042
November 05, 2019

The Fourth Step brings us to a specific course of action that the AA Big Book describes as “vigorous.” It is a “personal house-cleaning which many of us had never attempted.” The Fourth Step strengthens the decision we made in the Third Step...

Frustration- Recovered 1041
October 29, 2019

When lack of results toward recovery goals brings about increasing frustration, it’s all too easy to get so caught up in the emotion that you miss out on the bigger picture. Recovery isn’t a straight-line progression of one success after another....

Happiness - Recovered 1040
October 22, 2019

Sad, depressed, bored. That’s how many “normal” people think recovering people must feel. This, actually, couldn’t be farther from the truth. Anyone who visits an AA meeting or meets a former addict who is active in the recovery community...

Guilt - Recovered 1038
October 14, 2019

For many, the physical and mental restoration that is worked towards in recovery is only half the battle; there’s often a lingering effect of guilt and shame that also must be worked through. Addiction in and of itself is a secretive disease – and...

Karl M Part 8 - Recovered 1036
October 11, 2019

These are the types of episodes published each weekend for Premium Subscribers.  If you would like these and the other 1000 episodes available in our back catalog, please consider becoming a Premium Member. The show would not be online without...

Sponsorship - Recovered 1034
October 09, 2019

As a newcomer, you will generally want to look for a sponsor who has been sober for a good amount of time and who is available to work with someone in early recovery. A sponsor is someone who you will exchange phone numbers with, talk to regularly,...

Forgiveness - Recovered 1032
October 02, 2019

Regardless of how much time has passed since you were harmed or wronged by someone, it can be challenging to genuinely forgive. However, forgiveness is an integral part of addiction recovery, and being able to set aside past hurts is an important...

Anna's Story in New Book - Recoveed 1033
September 27, 2019

This episode was recorded during the last week of September in Calumet, Michigan.  We were overlooking Lake Superior during our conversation and reflection on discerning and following God's plan for us. The title of the book is "Women Today...

Honesty - Recovered 1030
September 17, 2019

Of all the moral characteristics, honesty is one of the most respected. It is also the spiritual principle behind step one. Many people in recovery live by the mantra “we are as sick as our secrets.” Individuals need to pay special attention to...

Complacency in Recovery - Recovered 1028
September 10, 2019

Much like other areas of life, when we first enter recovery, it’s new and exciting. Unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before, living life in sobriety after years spent toiling away in addiction is exhilarating and we strive for more. But what...