Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

Latest Episodes

Character Defects - Recovered 1026
September 04, 2019

Humans are obviously not perfect; everyone will have their flaws and weaknesses. It is only when these imperfections lead to suffering that there is a real cause for concern. Most people will have many minor character defects, and a few major ones. It...

Karl M Part 2 - Recovered 1024
August 27, 2019

These Speaker-type episodes are typically provided to Premium Members every weekend.  If you would like to receive these special episodes along with the over 1000 back catalog episodes, consider becoming a Premium Member to the Recovered Podcast....

Karl M Part 1 - Recovered 1023
August 23, 2019

These Speaker-type episodes are typically provided to Premium Members every weekend.  If you would like to receive these special episodes along with the over 1000 back catalog episodes, consider becoming a Premium Member to the Recovered Podcast....

Anger - Recovered 1022
August 20, 2019

Addiction recovery almost always involves dealing with anger. Anger may be directed at oneself, at specific people, or society as a whole. Without learning to process anger in a constructive manner, a person with an addiction cannot move forward in...

Ambition - Recovered 1021
August 15, 2019

Abstinence is prescribed for people addicted to drugs and alcohol. So, should alcoholics give up having ambition and setting goals? No. Ambition is not bad. We need to have a healthy relationship with ambition just as we need healthy relationships...

Acceptance - Recovered 1020
August 06, 2019

When your life has been impacted by addiction, it’s easy to beat yourself up and feel excessive shame. But that kind of behavior will never drive you to commit to the life-long process of beating your addiction. Instead, you need to master the art...

Recovery in theDigital Age - Recovered 1017
July 24, 2019

Modern communication in recovery is flowing from one alcoholic to another in ways that are high-tech, relatively open-ended and evolving quickly. Protecting anonymity is a major concern for members, who are accessing the Internet in ever-growing...

Chuck C New Pair of Glasses Part 4 - Recovered 1015
July 19, 2019

These types of episodes are typically reserved for Premium Members.  If you would like to receive these types of talks on Fridays, please consider becoming a Premium Member.  See the link below If you are already Premium, thank you for...

Hobbies in Recovery - Recovered 1016
July 16, 2019

Escaping alcoholism is a great start, but it is not enough alone to ensure a satisfying life in recovery. This is because life has to have meaning and purpose in order for it to be enjoyable. Hobbies are more than just a way to fill time. They provide...

Popsicle Sticks - Recovered 1014
July 10, 2019

Tonight, the recovery topic is “Popsicle sticks.” Now, Popsicle Sticks is not really a topic but rather a style of meeting here in Southeast Michigan. Tonight, this show will be presented in the form of a popsicle stick meeting. Our generous...