Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

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Bill W 3 Legacies Part 1 - Recovered 1053
December 31, 2019

These are the types of episodes published each weekend for Premium Subscribers.  If you would like these and the other 1000 episodes available in our back catalog, please consider becoming a Premium Member. The show would not be online without...

Bill W on the Traditions - Recovered 1052
December 29, 2019

These are the types of episodes published each weekend for Premium Subscribers.  If you would like these and the other 1000 episodes available in our back catalog, please consider becoming a Premium Member. The show would not be online without...

Bill W the Day Dr Bob Died - Recovered 1050
December 28, 2019

These are the types of episodes published each weekend for Premium Subscribers.  If you would like these and the other 1000 episodes available in our back catalog, please consider becoming a Premium Member. The show would not be online without...

Bill W. and Dr. Bob S. 1950 - Recovered 1049
December 26, 2019

These are the types of episodes published each weekend for Premium Subscribers.  If you would like these and the other 1000 episodes available in our back catalog, please consider becoming a Premium Member. The show would not be online without...

Rationalization - Recovered 1048
December 16, 2019

How often have you sworn off your drug of choice only to pick it up moments or hours later with a new found explanation for doing so? How often have you convinced yourself that your actions were right, even justified, when you knew deep inside that...

Powerlessness - Recovered 1047
December 10, 2019

Powerlessness is not meant to disempower. Although you may be powerless in the fact that you struggle with addiction and have no control over it, you are not powerless over the actions you can take because of that knowledge. By accepting the things...

Transitional Housing - Recovered 1046
December 02, 2019

Transitional Housing programs provide structured living settings where newly-sober addicts and alcoholics learn basic skills for drug-free living. Typically, residents hold a job, contribute to maintaining their household, attend 12-step meetings and...

Prayer and Meditation - Recovered 1045
November 27, 2019

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, where the 12-step program is outlined, Step 11 reads: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for the knowledge of His will for us and...

Gigi Open Talk - Recovered 1044
November 16, 2019

These are the types of episodes published each weekend for Premium Subscribers.  If you would like these and the other 1000 episodes available in our back catalog, please consider becoming a Premium Member. The show would not be online without...

Tolerance - Recovered 1043
November 12, 2019

Tolerance is one of the most valuable skills to be learned early on in recovery. Growth does not lie in an ability to avoid difficulties but in our ability to live with discomfort at times and learn how to pass through difficulties. The key to...