Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Latest Episodes

Forgiven All Our Trespasses
December 27, 2020

In Christ, we have many benefits of our salvation, more than we may remember at one time. Paul, like the other apostles, writes to remind his original readers (and us) of all that we have in Christ. In this passage,

Complete in Christ
December 20, 2020

The virgin conception reported in Luke 1:30-35 sets the stage for an important doctrine for followers of Jesus – the Deity of Christ. The completeness of the Godhead resides in Him and thus we are complete in Christ.

Having Received Christ Jesus
December 13, 2020

If you are standing still, you are losing ground. Paul challenges the believers in Colosse to not abandon their good start in Christ and to continue to build their life on the good foundation in Christ. Using metaphors from agriculture, construction,

Reconciled by Christ
December 06, 2020

God the Creator had made a beautiful flourishing creation, yet the human caretakers had rebelled against Him and ruined His masterpiece with death. They remained wickedly alienated from their Maker and Judge.

Christ the Image of God
December 01, 2020

Paul writes to this church to reinforce what they had previously learned of Christ Jesus. He is the perfect Revelation of who God is because He is God in the flesh. God as Creator of all that is or ever has been or will be.

Walk in Will of God
November 22, 2020

Paul prays that church people in Colossae would know the will of God so that they would walk worthy, fully pleasing to Him. Then Paul proceeds to prayerfully describe what God wills for His people to be walking worthy looks like.

Continue in Prayer
November 15, 2020

Paul encourages the believers in this little church of a town he never visited to pray like their lives depend on it. Like the city guard, be vigilant in praying with copious amounts of thanksgiving. Then Paul gives them two areas to be praying – pray ...

Wisdom for That Day
November 08, 2020

The teacher of Ecclesiastes has revealed that to live for the things “under the sun” is like smoke – unpredictable and unsubstantial. His summary wisdom is to live today with one day in mind. One day, our bodies will die and our spirits will be recalle...

Trust God’s Way
November 01, 2020

What bears the weight of your life? Where are you leaning your life? Jesus said the wise man placed the burden of his life on Jesus’s teachings. Solomon wisely agrees in Proverbs 3. Lean not on your own understandings but to trust in the LORD with all ...

Wise to ask for wisdom
October 25, 2020

Wisdom series applied.  Our wisdom series moves from David to Solomon, the man famous for wisdom. Arguably, the smartest thing Solomon ever did was ask for wisdom. So we will spend a few minutes seeing what attitudes and thoughts led up to Solomon’s fa...