Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Latest Episodes

Repent and be Revived
July 03, 2022

Hezekiah was a different man from everyone else, especially different from his father, Ahaz – a wicked king. Hezekiah started from his first day to reignite the worship of the True God. He called upon

Surrender and Rescue
June 26, 2022

The Apostle Paul. Not everyone called him by that title, nor believe that he should have that title. And they also didn’t think he knew the gospel. So Paul writes this letter to churches he had just p

Faithful with Grace to Save
June 19, 2022

The Messiah is Jewish. Do His Gentile followers need to become Jewish or is He Jewish enough for them too? The question vexed some of the early believers who could only imagine God working through the

Faithful in Humility
June 12, 2022

Barnabas and Paul get chased from one town and preach in the next town. Lystra of Lycaonia presents a new challenge for the apostles. A miraculous healing prompts the locals to think that Paul and Bar

Faithful to Teach
June 05, 2022

Paul and Barnabas start their first missionary journey by direction of Holy Spirit to go to Cyprus and to points beyond. Luke shares the sermon Paul preached when invited to speak at the synagogue in

Faithful to Pray
May 29, 2022

Persecution begins again for the church in Jerusalem. And this time, the first of the apostles is executed for his testimony of Jesus. And Peter is arrested and scheduled to be executed next. The chur

Faithful to Show Love
May 22, 2022

Saul of Tarsus started a persecution that scattered the believers from Jerusalem to parts far beyond traditional Jewish lands. God prepares the apostle Peter to reach a few Gentiles so that the church

Faithful to Obey – Ananias
May 15, 2022

Saul of Tarsus was wreaking havoc in persecuting the followers of Christ Jesus. And Jesus takes it personally. But rather than condemn and destroy this enemy, He loves Saul and rescues him from hurtin

The Virtuous Life
May 08, 2022

I’m not an expert on being a mother, but I’ve had a good one for long time. Let’s visit on one description of a good mother from Scripture and realize we all have a lot to learn from this.  The virtuo

Faithful through Persecution
May 01, 2022

Stephen was a faithful witness, even through opposition, persecution, and death.  But the seeds of the gospel that he had sown in his death did not produce immediate fruit.  Instead, a chief persecuto