Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Latest Episodes

Resurrection Hope
March 22, 2020

We have a reason for confidence and hope.  Christ has risen from the grave, it’s a historical fact.  And facts have consequences.   And when we anchor or life to facts like the resurrection, it changes how we live.

God’s plan is good
March 15, 2020

God had a word of hope for the beleaguered exiles of Jerusalem living in Babylon.  That message of hope and grace is ultimately fulfilled in Christ for us.   We walk through this familiar verse and its surrounding context to understand how our troublin...

The Bigger Story in Ruth
March 08, 2020

Boaz and Ruth were faithful to God in their generation.  God used that faithfulness to pivot the story of redemption from Genesis all the way to King David and beyond to the King of kings Jesus.  Yet, like us,

A Redeemer for us
March 01, 2020

Boaz and Ruth are such godly examples for us to emulate.  Yet both of them humbly trusted God for their salvation.  Even Boaz admitted (beyond what he understood) that there was a closer Redeemer than he could be.

God at work in Ruth
February 23, 2020

God is at work in some people and you cannot miss His handiwork.  Their lives radiate His love and righteousness.  And Ruth has come a long ways from her old way of life in Moab to Bethlehem of Judah as a woman of great reputation.

Returning to God together
February 16, 2020

Naomi decided to return back home after years away.  Yet the Spirit seems to imply that there is something spiritual about her return as well, something we call “repentance.”   But surprisingly, her sister-in-law chose to go with her which implies a si...

Wise unto Eternity
February 09, 2020

Jesus used a curious parable to teach a profound truth – we need to be prepared for the future.  The future often comes without warning.  And most important is the future in eternity.  Are we investing in eternity or only in today?

Favor with God comes first
February 02, 2020

“Never has a man spoken like this Man!” Jesus had a demeanor that even His opponents found irrefutable at times.  It has been remarked that the Lamb of God had to be silent at His trial or they would not have been able to carry out their miscarriage of...

Favor with God
January 26, 2020

It is easy to consider the Christian religion to be a series of “do’s” and “do not’s” but that is inaccurate.  Rather, Christianity is an emphatic “done” in Christ for Jesus proclaimed from the cross, “It is finished!

Strength through Weakness
January 19, 2020

Growing in body.  In some ways, this is easier done than we would like to admit.  But that leads to the point, growing in control over this body is significantly more difficult than being controlled by this body.