Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Latest Episodes

Connor’s Profession of Faith
June 30, 2019

We had an added bonus on the Sunday following VBS. Connor clearly proclaims his faith in Jesus Christ and God’s Word. We praise God for this young man and pray for him as he grows in his faith.

Contentment and Generosity
June 23, 2019

The apostle Paul was thankful for the generosity of the church in Philippi toward his ministry, but perhaps not why you would think.  He was not concerned about having his needs met, Christ did that even if Paul lacked many things we consider necessiti...

What are you thinking?
June 16, 2019

Part two of a two-part series on “You Are What You Think.”  The apostle Paul tackles the two most important conversations – the first is with God and the second is with ourselves.  That internal dialogue in our heads and hearts has tremendous influence...

Peace of Mind from the God of Peace
June 09, 2019

Part one of a two-part series on “You Are What You Think.”  The apostle Paul challenges our inner dialogue to choose between worry or peace.  And that is a challenge for some of us.  But God also equips us with reasons to trust Him in spite of the appe...

Press Forward to the End
June 02, 2019

Single-minded focus and laser intensity are the impressions we get of the apostle Paul from his letters and the glimpses we get from Luke’s account in the book of Acts.  Yet Paul is convinced that each follower of Christ should whole-heartedly pursue a...

When God works in us, we work better
May 26, 2019

Another profound statement from Paul for us to consider a while.  Work out that salvation within you for it is God working in you to desire and do according to His good pleasure.  We all could use a good workout,

To Live is Christ and to Die is Gain
May 19, 2019

The apostle Paul inspired generations of Christ-followers with his simple but profound life-statement, “for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” We examine that statement here in Philippians to challenge ourselves to pursue that ideal with all...

Working Together for the Next Generation
May 12, 2019

The message this week is fast and brief.  We were blessed to hear Bro. Jay Norton from the Gideons International share about the power of God’s Word to transform lives and their ministry to get the Word of God there.

Prayer of Thanks for his friends
May 05, 2019

Tough and passionate, yet the apostle Paul stopped to write thank you notes to those wonderful friends who financially supported his ministry.  And we benefit from that gratitude with the wonderful letter to the church in Philippi.

Christ seated at the Right Hand
April 28, 2019

Christ rose from the dead, conquering the grave!  He proved His victory to His disciples with undeniable proofs over the course of forty days.   Then He bodily ascended into heaven while the disciples watched in awe.