Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Latest Episodes

Peace with God
December 11, 2022

Peace is more than a cool down in hostilities. In Hebrew, Shalom includes a wholeness from righteous rule that brings justice and fruitfulness for all. And that kind of peace can only happen once we

Son of David, Have Mercy
December 04, 2022

David is pretty heroic in Sunday School stories, pretty cringe-worthy at other points in his life. Yet God made a BIG promise to David that people are still talking about it in eternity. God would est

Greater than Moses
November 27, 2022

Moses is kinda a big deal. God Himself called Moses a faithful servant and called him a friend that God spoke to face to face. When everyone else shrank away in fear, Moses answered the call of God to

Looking for a Star
November 20, 2022

Balaam was a famous seer and influential man among the gods. But something out of his ordinary happened when he accepted the task of trying to curse the chosen people of the LORD. He could not curse b

Promise to Abraham
November 13, 2022

We continue our series following just some of the many promises by God that build up the anticipation for the Messiahs arrival in the incarnation that we know as Christmas. And the covenant promises

In the Beginning…
November 06, 2022

There is so much joy at the announcement and birth of Jesus the Messiah. The anticipation had built for so long with promises made and symbolic teasers revealed. We want to spend a couple weeks lettin

I’d Rather Have Jesus
October 30, 2022

The eyes of the LORD run to and fro over the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is loyal toward Him. God is looking for opportunities to do great things. Unfortunately

Faithful to Pray
October 23, 2022

Jesus used the story of a self-serving judge and a persistent widow to teach His disciples how much better God the Father is at answering prayer. But will we trust that He hears and answers our prayer

Don’t Just Stand
October 16, 2022

We enjoyed having Jake and his family share with us their testimony of Gods faithfulness and their mission project in the other battlefield town. Plus he preaches to us of the importance of Standi

A Sower, Seeds, and Soils
October 09, 2022

Jesus uses stories to whet the appetite of those in the crowd who want to know more, knowing that most in the crowd are not there for the teaching. But the stories pack a lot of truth that His faithfu