Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Latest Episodes

The Kingdom is Here
May 16, 2021

The King of kings was born humbly, anointed by the Holy Spirit at His baptism by John, manifested with power through miracles and teaching with authority. The King defeated His enemies: sin, death, the devil, and the grave.

One Generation to the Next
May 09, 2021

We get a peek behind the curtain of the tent into the family of Moses. His father-in-law is the priest of the tribe of Midian who worships the LORD. But the stories from his son-in-law Moses cause the old priest to worship and exclaim that his faith in...

The Lord of our Fight
May 02, 2021

There is more going on than a battlefield report from the history of Exodus. The LORD brings our attention to this one to remind His people that these things are physical symbols of spiritual realities.  And the enemy we face is not people,

Water from the Rock
April 25, 2021

The LORD is remarkably patient with His new nation of Israelites. Although they have not done well with the previous exams, the third exam asks about if they will heed their thirst or trust. He patient, even though, once again,

Bread of Life
April 18, 2021

Within a month of their miraculous deliverance from Egypt followed by the Red Sea crossing, the children of Israel are having second thoughts on having left their slavery. Their food ran out. But the LORD allowed them to hunger in order to test them an...

Bitterness Healed
April 11, 2021

Bitterness or Blessing. Will we have the faith to turn from our fear and seek God’s provision. The LORD will lead us often times through the wilderness badlands in order that we won’t be distracted from our relationship with Him.

Red Sea Resurrection
April 04, 2021

The LORD sets a trap, and Israel is the bait. God knows that Pharaoh has still not learned his lesson and already regrets his decision to let the Israelites leave. Pharaoh will send his army and chariots against God’s people to kill them or push them i...

The LORD’s Passover Plan
March 28, 2021

  The LORD God gives the Plan to Moses. It calls for a Perfect Lamb with a specific Purpose. Protection is needed from the death that is certain. By faith, we follow the LORD’s Plan of Protection. We hope that this online service has blessed you.

Hard of Heart
March 21, 2021

The LORD warns Pharaoh and the rest of us that it is dangerous to keep rebelling against God Almighty. In His judgment, there is mercy. For those who heed the warning, they can spare themselves some suffering. Better still,

The Showdown Begins
March 14, 2021

Moses and Aaron will represent the LORD in His plan to make the Egyptians know that the LORD is God, even in Egypt. And Pharaoh’s stubborn resistance will cooperate in giving God Almighty more opportunity to show Himself stronger than all the gods of E...