Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Latest Episodes

Glory in the Cross
October 02, 2022

The centerpiece of Pauls life was shameful in the eyes of the Roman and Jewish world the cross of Jesus. But throughout his letter to the churches of Galatia, Paul has insisted that the cross is th

Living Transformed
September 25, 2022

The Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul gives impossible commands that are beyond what is humanly possible for us fallen creatures to obey. But God doesnt just command the impossible. He gives us

Do you know what you are sowing?
September 18, 2022

We are sowing our money, time, and energy into something constantly. And we will reap what we sow those resources into. How much of it will be of eternal worth? And how much of it will be regrettable

Fruit of Holy Spirit
September 04, 2022

In contrast to the works of the sinful fleshly nature, abiding in Christ through walking in the Spirit produces fruit that is consistent with Gods character and modeled by Christ. We choose whether t

From the ears to the Mouth
August 28, 2022

Now that our heart spoke through our mouth of our faith in Lord Jesus, now we are all sent with beautiful feet to tell others to hear of the good news of Jesus the Messiah so that they too can believe

Fruit of the Sin Nature
August 14, 2022

Pauls letter gives a scary warning. The sinful nature, the flesh is in warfare with the Spirit for the heart and mind of the believer. We must choose which desires we will pursue. Paul warns that t

Liberty to Love
August 07, 2022

The apostle Paul has concluded his defense of the gospel. Christ has set us free from the regulations of the Law from Sinai. He does not want the Galatian believers putting themselves under bondage to

Inherit with Christ
July 24, 2022

The gospel is for all people: Jews and Gentiles of all ethnicities, all economic classes, both men and women. We are all equally sinners, and we are equally adopted into the family of God through Chri

Blessed with Christ
July 17, 2022

How good is good enough for whom? If the expectation is perfection to the ponderous law of God, then we all fall short. But the LORD has declared some to be in right-standing with Him. But how? Belief

Crucified with Christ
July 10, 2022

Paul says, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave h