POP Coach Life

POP Coach Life

Latest Episodes

Conflict Defines Relationship
August 15, 2022

 In this episode Sue is back to ask Sharon about how our goals in a conflict impact the outcome. They explore what pitfalls to avoid and how conflict can be healthy and build closer relationships.

Make your Bed
August 09, 2022

 In this episode Sharon explores how gratefulness is in the small things and the antidote to feeling sorry for ourselves.

Work WITH each other, instead of against
August 01, 2022

 Life is hard.  It's easy to talk about supporting each other, but we often compete and fight each other instead of fighting the hard things side by side.  In this episode Sharon lays out steps to sup

Turning People Into Trees
July 25, 2022

Sharon is going to read you a poem! Give it a chance- it’s beautiful. She talks aboutacceptance and boundaries- appreciating people as they are and respecting boundaries insteadof trying to change peo

Hot Mess or Just Emotionally Honest?
July 19, 2022

In this episode Sharon explores labeling and honoring feelings instead of minimizing, ignoring or yielding to them.

When People Challenge Your Boundaries
July 13, 2022

 In this episode Sue asks Sharon about dealing with challenging relationships. Sharon shares about recognizing the nature of the relationship, saying yes and saying no, responsibility versus obligatio

 Self-Worth and Boundaries
July 08, 2022

Boundary work is simple and usable as a tool in life and relationships. So why do we hesitate to apply them? There are several reasons for this, but the foundational reason is that we only protect wha

An Intro to Boundaries
June 29, 2022

 Boundaries. What are they? Why do we need them? They protect us and provide safety and security in relationships and life. Boundaries matter.

Eggshell Relationships
June 22, 2022

Description: In a follow-up discussion to When People Challenge Your Boundaries, Sue asks Sharon about dealing with people in your life who make you feel like you have to "walk on eggshells." Sharon e

 Insecurity, the Imposter
June 17, 2022

Yeah, I said it... out loud. We all struggle with insecurity, but don't like to talk about it. But what happens when we acknowledge and label it? What's going on? How do we deal with it? Feeling insec
