POP Coach Life

POP Coach Life

Latest Episodes

Best of POP: Being Shaken Part 1
August 15, 2023

Please enjoy this Best of POP Coach Life episode. We chose these episodes based on popularity from the archives, and are sharing them with you while Sharon takes a much needed break. In this episode,

Rest and Best!
August 08, 2023

n this episode Sharon shares her upcoming plans for restoration and while remaining connected and serving her listeners. She encourages us, as always, to rest and restore in our own lives, coining her

Getting Past the Package
August 01, 2023

In this episode Sharon helps us understand how we may struggle with unmet needs, because we don't recognize HOW they are being met. She encourages us to see past "the packaging" and recognize blessing

A Blueprint for Living
July 25, 2023

In this episode Sharon explores our need for a pattern of "create-enjoy-rest-repeat" as a blueprint for good physical and mental health. It is "aloha- breath of life" and helps us live in a more pres

Real Instead of Ideal
July 18, 2023

In this episode Sharon identifies the fallacy of constantly seeking or trying to be ideal and the pressure it puts on us and our relationships. She encourages us to understand the place of idealism bu

Dealing With Adversity
July 11, 2023

In this episode Sharon defines adversity, helps us understand how it can teach and develop our psyche, and encourages us to know the difference between adversity and inconvenience. She explores how th

The Art of Being With
June 27, 2023

In this episode Sharon gives us permission to be comfortable with our own emotions and be with others in their emotions without feeling the pressure of trying to fix anything. She explains the continu

What is Stewardship?
June 20, 2023

In this episode Sharon defines stewardship and how it applies to our lives, encourages us to identify where we struggle and to make one small consistent change in that area. Video Version Transcript

Yes, I Still Like You
June 06, 2023

In this episode Sharon shares about a friend having the courage to wonder aloud, "Will you still like me?" after spending time and getting to know each other better. Sharon argues that this is the que

Choose Grace
May 30, 2023

In this episode Sharon want to talk about grace... but not really. She explores the challenge giving the grace we all want with some honesty and humor. Video Version Transcript
