Pop 'n' Jay

Pop 'n' Jay

Latest Episodes

Pop n Jay E27: Family Matters
March 14, 2017

After a bit of a hiatus for Jess to deal with the little matter of adding to her own family by giving birth to her firstborn daughter, the podcasting duo are back to talk about what makes a family and why we should care about keeping these ancient unio...

Pop n Jay E26: Casting Out Fear
January 02, 2017

Let's get this new year off to a good start by tackling one of the most debilitating factors of human existence! (How celebratory and lighthearted of us!) The Bible is FULL of God telling us not to be afraid, not to mention other religions and even sec...

Pop n Jay E25: The Pursuit of TRUE Happiness
December 02, 2016

It's like some ancient, messed up riddle: What is the one thing that everyone wants, but no one seems to be able to achieve? Maybe "no one" is a bit harsh, but certainly MOST of us trudge around like Murky Dismal, claiming to want the star sprinkles an...

Pop n Jay E24: Hearing God in a LOUD World
November 08, 2016

Well, it's Election Day/The Apocalypse, so we bring to you a little distraction in the form of religious musings. Or maybe these could be considered philosophical ponderings. Cosmic contemplations? Well, whatever you call it, it's something other than ...

Pop n Jay E23: Time to Play the TRUMP Card
October 16, 2016

To Trump or not to Trump--that is the yugest topic in the country. It may have taken some kidnapping and orange koolaid swilling, but Pop n Jay are FINALLY on board the Trump train: CHOO CHOO! At least we are when you accurately frame the nature of thi...

Pop n Jay E22: Thin Black and Blue Line
October 05, 2016

It's just so en vogue to call everyone racist, why not? Well, when you're talking about law enforcement, one good reason not to is because it makes them and all the rest of us WAYYYYY less safe. From BLM to SJW to HRC to the DNC to the CBC, we have so ...

Pop n Jay E21: Ask Me About Angels!
September 20, 2016

Have you ever felt a presence near you that you just couldn't explain? Survived something you realllllly shouldn't have or witnessed some miraculousness that even your most ardent atheist professor couldn't adequately explain away? Belief in angels is ...

Pop n Jay E20: The Value of Workin' It
August 25, 2016

To work or not to work, that is THE question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of slave-driving capitalists Or to take up armchairs and wash away our troubles in a sea of EBT card brewskies. Pop and Jess talk about the man...

Pop n Jay E19: God and Evil
August 12, 2016

In this episode, Pop and Jess tackle what many of the greatest minds have called the most powerful argument against God: the problem of pain. How can an all good God allow suffering? He must either be not all powerful or not all good. You won't find ra...

Pop n Jay E18: Do you believe in MIRACLES?
July 22, 2016

In a world of darkness, death and bulbasaurs, it's easy to get depressed and distracted. In this episode we try to remind our listeners...and ourselves...about the SUPERnatural aspects of this world. From the Bible to babies, we cover a lot of ground o...