Pop 'n' Jay

Pop 'n' Jay

Latest Episodes

Pop n Jay E17: POPULISM--Who, What, Where, When, WHY?!?
July 08, 2016

What is populism? Is it the technical term for a quote from Pop? No, that's a Pop-ism. The word is everywhere these days, from BREXIT to TRUMP, yet it seems like most people don't quite know what the heck it even means. Well, we put the POP in populism...

Pop n Jay E16: Are you AWARE?--> Situational Awareness 101
June 13, 2016

Forgive the lighthearted opening as we recorded this a few days ago--before the Orlando massacre. However, the information given by Pop in this podcast may very well be the difference between surviving one of these attacks and falling victim to the mon...

Pop n Jay E15: Captain America Will Cure What Ails US
May 20, 2016

Lots of fun and muscles in this episode! Get ready to learn more about the history and overall badassedness of the First Avenger, Captain America. Although Jess continually tries to shift the convo over to Chris Evans rippling pectorals, Pop's inner ch...

Pop n Jay E14: Gotta Have Faith!
April 28, 2016

Why, oh why, do we believe and trust and hope and have FAITH in anything at all? God, guns, grocers, grapes--why have faith in any of them? Especially things that can't be tested by empirical means...why have Faith in supernatural beings, like God and ...

Pop n Jay E13: Shame, Shame, SHAME!
April 07, 2016

We get real in this episode--Jess has an actual epiphany on the air, thanks to Pop, of course! We get into the nitty-gritty of distinguishing shame from guilt and what business our stupid brains have with any of it. If you're feeling bad about somethin...

Pop n Jay E12: Ze BEST Movies of ALL TIME
March 20, 2016

FOUR THUMBS UP FOR THIS ONE! You don't really need to check the interwebs for any other "best of" movie lists because now Pop and Jess have conclusively recorded their favorite films in categories including, but not limited to, comedy, drama, sci-fi an...

Pop n Jay E11: Politics NOT as Usual
March 02, 2016

Maybe you're into it, maybe you're over it, either way, the presidential season is here and it's CRAY CRAY. We go deeeeeeeeep (maybe too many e's there) into the nitty-gritty of the American political system and what in the love of Macy Gray is going o...

Pop n Jay E10: JUSTICE, thy name is SCALIA
February 19, 2016

The sudden passing of the unwavering, irreplaceable Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia required our devoting an episode to the brilliant "Nino" and the virtue he fought tirelessly to uphold: JUSTICE. It's just justice, you know, the often confused ki...

Pop n Jay E9: SINNING our way to LENT
February 04, 2016

Wait, what? But, my Christmas lights are still up...true I never took them down last year, but still! Jesus was just born and now Easter!?! Yyyyyep! Time for an ol' fashioned examination of conscience, and this episode can help you on your road away fr...

Pop n Jay E8: Guns, Guns, Guns!
January 26, 2016

Suns out, guns out! Join us for a high caliber discussion sure to rile up your nearest hippy. Of course, Pop is the expert here and Jay is the certified Gun-fearing pansy, but we both learn a little, laugh a little and just basically shoot the breeze a...