Pop 'n' Jay

Pop 'n' Jay

Latest Episodes

Pop n Jay E37: Think Twice About Gun Violence
March 10, 2018

Pop, a bonafide expert in situational awareness and how to handle yourself in the midst of an active killer, discusses the most recent monster massacre that happened in Florida with Jay, a public high school teacher. Although the topic is dark and trou...

Pop n Jay E36: Keep Calm and Holy Spirit ON!
January 28, 2018

We talk about faith and the holy spirit in this episode of the father-daughter podcast, Pop n Jay.

Pop n Jay E35: Un Poco Loco Coco Review -- Featuring our very first GUESTS!
December 17, 2017

Pop n Jay are back with a brief movie review for Pixar's newest box office hit, COCO. Of course, Jess has been holding her breath waiting for this film for years...and she tells you if the anticipation was worth it for her or not! Pop went to see the f...

Pop n Jay E34: Pray Thee, Say a Little Prayer for Me
October 31, 2017

So, you're telling me that there are people who actually believe that some supernatural being(s) can HEAR what they are thinking and saying? Are these people insane? They must be outliers! Freaks! Psychos! Oh, wait...this far-out mystery is actually an...

Pop n Jay E33: We Talk of Beauty
September 20, 2017

We are baaaaaack! A little mini-break as Jay began her teaching "career" and Pop continued to be busy, busy, busy. This episode we discuss the objective versus subjective nature of BEAUTY. Is it in the eye of the beholder? Is it an objective fact? Join...

Pop n Jay E32: Teacher, Teacher, I declare!
July 30, 2017

In this most studious episode, Pop and Jess discuss the art of teaching. Turns out Jess had some news about her life that led to a typical Pop n Jay philosophizin' sesh. Join us as we go waaaaay down into the dunce caps and Common Core, the chalkboards...

Pop n Jay E31: It's About TIME
July 09, 2017

It's been a long TIME coming--Pop and Jess finally delve into a subject that has piqued their interest since they began conversing...and that's a long TIME. We use the term and its related expressions colloquially constantly (there I go). "I had a good...

Pop n Jay E30: Boo who?
June 02, 2017

Pop n Jess discuss more about the afterlife in this episode...though perhaps in a bit creepier, crawlier way than usual. Why do we humans think things go bump in the night, anyhow? How irrational and un-sciency of us to believe that our dearly departed...

Pop n Jay E29: Love You More
May 13, 2017

In this episode, Pop and Jess are coping with one of the hardest times in their lives using the greatest tool in the human arsenal: love. Well, they don't so much use love in this episode as they do think about it and philosophize all things agape. C.S...

Pop n Jay E28: Hope Springs Maternal
April 24, 2017

You've seen it as a catchphrase, you've heard it used tirelessly in country music and Disney movies. BUT, isn't Hope MORE than what our get-rich-quick self-help culture has turned it into? After all, we're pretty sure that Hope is one of them danged-ol...