Pop 'n' Jay

Pop 'n' Jay

Latest Episodes

Pop n Jay E47 - Worried Sick
May 22, 2020

To worry is human, to podcast about it DIVINE. Well, maybe not divine exactly, but Pop and Jess are back trying to elevate their worried games to a more spiritual level on this episode. With all the lockdown smackdown going down right now, there's...

Pop n Jay E46 - Impeach This!
January 25, 2020

Pop n Jay take a few minutes to talk Trump and the dramatic production being acted out in his impeachment trial. Is there crime? WHO CARES. Is there evidence? HOW DARE YOU. Do the American people have any interest in this? ZZZZZZZZ Besides Trump, we discu

Pop n Jay E45 - Happy, happy? Joy, joy!
December 26, 2019

Happy merry holly jolly joyeux noel! JOY is not just the warm and fuzzies, not just the sprinkles on your cupcake or the tinsel on your tree. It's deeper than Wal Mart's December 26th clearance bins, richer than peppermint mochas and more everla

Pop n Jay E44 - Woke Up!
November 27, 2019

Pop n Jay shoot the breeze (TRIGGERED) about the woke-scolds and the CANCEL culture. It's censor-overload!

Pop n Jay E43 - Putting the "I" in Identity
April 25, 2019

Pop n Jay make a comeback talking about identity and what it means to be a Christian today.

Pop n Jay E42 - The Catholic Case for Kris Kringle
December 23, 2018

On this episode of the Pop n Jay show, we talk about all things (ok, well not ALL THINGS, but you know what I'm saying) Santa Claus.

Pop n Jay E41 - Keepin' the Faith
September 12, 2018

Pop n Jess get together via the webs of inter to discuss the Creed of the Catholic church...and more!

Pop n Jay E40 - A Light Summer Podcast on Being and Existence
June 26, 2018

Pop n Jay get together along the Skype superhighway to discuss the simple, lighthearted topic of existence itself.

Pop n Jay E39: Marveling at Marvel WITH SPOILERS
June 02, 2018

Since Marvel Studio's latest endeavor, "Avengers: Infinity War" has officially grossed over 2 billion units, er, dollars worldwide, it seems like something culturally relevant (and fun!) to talk about.

Pop n Jay E38: Holy Holy Week, Batman!
March 28, 2018

Pop n Jess get together via the interwebs to discuss the most sacred time in the whole holy year, Holy Week.