Blubrry Podcasting: A Creator-First Path of Advocacy, Innovation, and Integrity

From the Founder: At Blubrry Podcasting, we’ve always stayed true to our core values — putting creators first, being transparent, and operating with a commitment to ethical practices. I’ve been fortunate enough to build this company with an incredible team of individuals who share these beliefs, and together we’ve shaped Blubrry into more than just a podcasting platform. It’s a place where podcasters can grow and express themselves freely.

The Story of Our Beginning

When I founded Blubrry, it was out of a deep understanding of what podcasters genuinely needed. I’ve been in the podcasting world, creating content weekly since its early days, so I know firsthand the struggles that creators face — from technical challenges to audience growth, motivation to continue when it seems no one is listening, and monetization. My journey as a podcaster set the foundation for Blubrry and I wanted to create a space where every podcaster — no matter their show size or resources — can access the tools and community support they deserve.

This week, we are recording our history, and I cannot wait to share all the nuances of the beginning and the vision we had then that continues today. I’m grateful to have been able to build this company alongside incredibly talented and dedicated individuals. While our team is small, everyone’s talent contributes to ensuring our products and services are built with creators in mind.

Advocating for Creators’ Rights

As a podcaster, I’ve always been passionate about protecting the rights of creators. From the very beginning, Blubrry has been an advocate for podcasters’ rights, whether that’s ensuring they retain ownership of their content or making sure they’re getting a fair deal when it comes to monetization. We don’t sell or share podcasters’ data with third parties, and we’re fully transparent in how we operate. Our users can trust that their personal information, as well as their listener data, is safe with us.

Ethical AI Practices Aligned with Our Values

In today’s tech landscape, artificial intelligence is becoming a significant part of the conversation, and we’re making sure that any AI we integrate into Blubrry supports our commitment to ethical practices. We’ve seen how AI can be misused, and we’re committed to using it to align with our values — protecting creators’ privacy, enhancing their experience, and never compromising their trust. We believe that AI can help make podcasting easier and more efficient, but we’ll never sacrifice our commitment to our users’ best interests. That’s a promise we’ve always kept and always will.

Our Unique Value Proposition

What sets Blubrry apart is our dedication to our creators. We’re a company built by podcasters for podcasters, and we understand what podcasters are going through because we’ve been there ourselves. We’ve always prioritized the needs of our creators, and that’s why so many people choose Blubrry over other platforms. Our experience as a company of podcasters is at the heart of everything we do. Whether through storytelling, sharing our expertise, or offering innovative products, we always focus on what’s best for our creators.

Expanding Educational Resources and Support

We know podcasting can be challenging, especially for those just starting out. That’s why we’ve invested heavily in creating educational resources that help podcasters succeed. From guides and tutorials to webinars and one-on-one support, we offer everything a creator might need to overcome the obstacles in their path. It’s rare to pick up the phone, talk to a fellow podcaster, and get support from someone who has been in the trenches just like you, but that is exactly what Mike, Dave and Shawn do. I make myself available to provide personalized assistance as well, and we’re constantly working on expanding our resource library to address the evolving needs of podcasters. We don’t just want our creators to survive, we want them to thrive.

Moving Forward with Integrity

As Blubrry grows, we’re staying true to our core mission. We’ve built this platform on trust, transparency, and a deep understanding of what creators need to succeed. Our firsthand experience with the challenges of podcasting, combined with our commitment to ethical practices, makes Blubrry a unique and authentic partner for podcasters.

We’ll keep fighting for creators’ rights, protecting their data, and offering the tools and resources they need to reach their full potential. Blubrry isn’t just a platform — it’s a community, a partner, and an advocate for creators as passionate about podcasting as we are. And I couldn’t be more proud to lead this team and continue this mission.

Todd Cochrane – Blubrry Founder