Finding the ‘Funny’ in Your Faux Pas

Bloopers are inevitable in podcasting, where every word and pause can be scrutinized. But don’t despair; they are a hidden goldmine of humor and human connection. Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or a newbie, learning to embrace and highlight these moments can transform your show from strictly professional to delightfully relatable.

Here’s why finding humor in podcast bloopers can make the process more enjoyable and endear you to your audience.

Humanizing the Host

First and foremost, bloopers remind your listeners that you are human, especially when you’re livestreaming. Mispronunciations, unexpected sneezes, or the sudden intrusion of a pet cat during a recording — these incidents bring a smile and create a shared moment of amusement. By showing your audience that mistakes happen and that you can laugh at yourself, you build a connection that polished, error-free content rarely achieves. 

“I have been known to destroy the English vocabulary, only Grammarly saves me now. But on my podcast, my audience calls my flubs ‘Todd’isms,’ aka my pronunciation of certain words seems to always trip me up and today the audience – while slightly annoyed – have coined a phrase for them.” ~ Todd Cochrane, Blubrry CEO

Creating Relatable Content

When listeners hear you flub a line or giggle through a mistake, they relate. Everyone has had a moment where things didn’t go as planned, and hearing someone else navigate this familiar territory can be comforting and entertaining. Sharing these moments can make your podcast more accessible and engaging.

“The phrase ‘I’ve never had an original experience.’ seems to have blown up in recent years, more so due to the growth of TikTok and social media usage showing the ins and outs of everyday life. If you found it funny, most likely your audience will as well; post the funny screw-up version, someone will relate.” ~ MacKenzie Bennett, Marketing

Enhancing Engagement

Consider dedicating a segment of your show or an entire bonus episode to bloopers and funny behind-the-scenes stories. This provides additional content with little extra effort and encourages listeners to stick around, knowing that these enjoyable snippets could pop up any time. Moreover, it’s a unique way to engage with your audience, perhaps even inviting them to vote on their favorite blooper or share similar experiences they’ve had.

Lightening the Mood

Podcasting on serious topics? Bloopers can provide the necessary comedic relief to balance the tone of your show. They offer a break from the heaviness and inject a light-hearted element that can make intense subjects more approachable. Even in lighter shows, bloopers can amplify the fun, keeping the atmosphere buoyant.

“I’m new to podcasting and as I review the shows I have published I realize that because the subject matter can be dark, I need to allow some of my misspeaking or bloopers to remain in there. I’m even trying to keep a nervous laugh in there once in a while to add a little lightness to the often otherwise dark matter.” ~ Cathy Beuten, Communications

Promoting Through Humor

Bloopers make excellent promotional material. Share clips of your funniest mishaps on social media (or even as a special episode, such as for a holiday like Memorial Day) to showcase the personality behind the podcast. This humanizes you and provides potential new listeners a glimpse into the show’s less formal side. It’s a way to pique interest and attract an audience who enjoys a well-rounded show.

Learning from Mistakes

Beyond just the laughs, bloopers offer a chance to learn. Each mistake provides insights into what can go wrong and how it can be fixed. Discussing these on your podcast can help fellow podcasters learn from your experiences, and detailing how you corrected (or plan to correct) these issues can be incredibly instructive and reassuring.

“Be prepared for anything if you are interviewing someone you don’t know. I had a guest on my show who seemed articulate when we talked before recording but when I hit the record button and started the interview, the guest froze. I had to drag him through the interview with tons of questions. Fortunately, I did research prior to this interview and I knew where I wanted to go with the interview. Actually, it was a bit comical. I started the show with the introductions and then turned it over to the guest and there was silence. That was an oh sh… moment.” ~ Barry Kantz, Legal

Fostering Community

When you share your bloopers, you invite your audience to share in the joke rather than merely consume content. This fosters a sense of community and partnership. Engage with your listeners by asking them to submit their own funny stories or podcasting bloopers, and share these in your episodes. This interaction enriches the listener’s experience and builds a stronger listener community.

Bloopers are more than mistakes; they are opportunities to connect, laugh, and learn. By embracing the imperfections in your podcasting journey, you enhance your show’s appeal and create a more engaging and enjoyable experience for you and your listeners. So next time the unexpected happens, laugh it off, hit record, and know you’re enriching your podcast in ways that perfect polish never could. Embrace the bloopers; your audience will love you all the more for it.

What do you do when you make a faux pas in your podcast? Do you edit it out, keep it if it’s not too bad or, heck, just roll with it? Let us know in the comments.