Buy Brother Love, Fight Cystic Fibrosis


We’re proud to announce that indie music site Amie Street has joined us in the Blubrry Jam To Fight Cystic Fibrosis.

Amie Street is a music-based social network that makes it really simple for music fans to connect with artists and purchase DRM-free music at fair prices. They also make it dead simple for indie artists to sell their music and connect with fans. This is a match made in heaven since the Amie Street folks are allowing us to preview and sell music from Brother Love and HER & Kings County to support the Blubrry Jam campaign.

Between now and May 15th, 2007 all royalties generated from sales of music downloads for these two artists on Amie Street will go straight to the Boomer Esiason Foundation. That includes Brother Love’s new single Soccergirl.

So please head over to check out the fun rock music of Brother Love and the urban country vibe of HER & Kings County. And while you’re over there we’re sure that you’ll discover lots of other great music as well.