The Computer Tutor

The Computer Tutor

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How to save disk space, and reduce the size of your backup
November 30, 2015

Last week I told you about how my backup process saved all of my critical data twice in the last couple of months. One of those backups is called a system image backup and it saves EVERYTHING on your hard drive. As a result,

How my backup saved me TWICE in the last two months
November 23, 2015

Yes, here I am again preaching to you about backing up your computer. But this time, it's from a personal point of view and it has to do with my own primary desktop computer. I've had two different, major problems in the last two months so I wanted to ...

Analysis of a scam email
November 16, 2015

If no one ever opened a scam/spam email, the spammers would stop sending them. If you have checked your spam folder lately, you know that the flow of spam doesn't seem to have slowed down much. One reason I like Gmail is that their excellent spam filte...

Quick way to see if a website is malicious
November 09, 2015

Every day, there are hundreds (maybe thousands) of new malicious websites coming into existence on the internet. It's very common now, when you do a Google search, for many of the search results to be websites that you should definitely not click on.

Transform a YouTube video into a GIF
November 02, 2015

Everyone knows what a YouTube video is. But not everyone knows what a GIF video is (even though just about everyone has seen one on Facebook or somewhere on the internet). Did you know that you can easily take a YouTube video,

More cool websites you might like
October 26, 2015

Every so often I do a post where I feature several websites that are interesting, informative, funny or just somehow intriguing in some way. -   - Documentary Addict Whenever I go on Netflix,

Can’t go online straight out of Sleep Mode? Here’s the fix
March 30, 2015

I got this question from one of my clients, Jim, recently: "Scott, whenever I move the mouse to wake up my laptop from Sleep Mode, I can't access any website. I open Internet Explorer and it just says "Page cannot be found". If I close Internet Explorer

3 cool things you can do with Google Maps
March 23, 2015

I use Google Maps all the time. By far, the feature I use most is the GPS aspect. When I make an appointment on my Google Calendar, I put the address in the "Location" bar. Then, when it's time to go to that address, I open up my Waze app on my phone, ...

Your email actually DID get hacked? You need to change more than just your password
March 16, 2015

Last week we talked about the fact that even though it might appear that your email got hacked, it probably didn't. In most cases it's just a spammer using your email as the "From" address. But what about when your email actually DOES get hacked into - me

Help - my email got hacked! No, it probably didn’t
March 09, 2015

A few times each month, I'll get a phone call or an email from someone who thinks their email account has gotten hacked into. And why do they think that? Because their inbox is filling up with emails that are bouncing back, that say "This email message...